#secretswecarry- is Obi able to physical handle the stress of battle? If he does handle it, does he collapse afterwards?

Staring out the view of the bridge, feeling speechless and frozen, Obi-Wan clung tightly to his saber. Cody had marched past him and was barking out orders, the bridge a mass of activity as everyone got to their post and continued returning fire on the Malevolence.

How in the Force had Grievous found them!?

This entire trip was off the books.

Anakin and Obi-Wan were officially listed in a totally different sector to avoid this because of Obi-Wan’s… delicate state.

This wasn’t suppose to happen.

Shaking himself, Obi-Wan stepped forward to Cody’s side, looking at him. “Can we contact the Resolute?” He questioned quietly.

Shaking his head, Cody turned his head to him. “No sir, the comms are blocked, the rustbuckets fault I’m sure, though the Resolute is also returning fire but…” They both looked out the view again, at the gathered CIS ships.

There were a lot, giving both the Negotiator and the Resolute a run for their credits.

And the Malevolence was focused on the Negotiator.

Kark, this was not good, Obi-Wan wasn’t sure he was up to handle Grievous right n- “INCOMING!” Someone shouted and Obi-Wan looked up just in time to see something whiz past the view, the entire star destroyer rocking as something impacted with them.

“What was that!?” Cody roared, moving forward to the techs at the controls.

“A boarding ship! We got clankers onboard!” Someone replied back and Obi-Wan felt himself freeze as everything came into crystal clear realization.

This was planned. This wasn’t an accidental find.

This attack was planned because Grievous knew.

Somehow, the CIS knew that Obi-Wan wasn’t in a good condition and would make for an easier target, whether they knew of his miscarriage or not wasn’t even important but they knew.

Someone had misspoken or been on an unsecured line or something and the information had returned to Dooku’s master, the true Sith above him and they had sent Grievous after Obi-Wan for whatever reason.

Most likely to kill him as there wouldn’t make for much sense to take Obi-Wan hostage, getting rid of one of the key players of the war as Obi-Wan held several high positions both as a Jedi council master and a High Jedi General.

“Grievous is on the ship.” He stated with conviction, feeling like his voice was coming from too far away even as he spoke, Cody whirling around to stare at him, Obi-Wan able to feel it even through the man’s helmet.

Actually, he could feel several stares but no one argued against him, every trooper realizing that he was right despite how ludicrous it was for Grievous to know.

“There is nothing of value out here in this system for either the CIS or the Republic, our location isn’t officially listed anywhere, a false trail was left for anyone that looked…” Obi-Wan continued, swallowing thickly. “He’s coming here for me. He knows.” Obi-Wan tongue felt thick in his mouth.

What was he suppose to do?

They couldn’t get contact with Anakin and the Resolute, Grievous was onboard for certain, the CIS knew something at the very least of Obi-Wan’s condition and they could not call for any other aid, stuck out here as they were.

Whirling around to the rest of the bridge, Cody roared orders as the alarms of the Negotiator shrilly sounded, Obi-Wan feeling unmoored as he shakily tried to bring himself to hunt Grievous down, turning and stepping out the doors with Cody rushing after when he noticed Obi-Wan leaving the bridge.

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