Sweet honey: a lot of things are going to down and everyone is happy! How does Padma handle finding out that Anakin is bonded to someone else? How would she react? Is she happy for him or does this possibly change something for her? P.S. love your writings they are all amazing!!

Trying not to show how twitchy he was, Anakin shifted closer to Rex as they followed Obi-Wan and Jango through the Senate, the redhead more familiar despite Anakin having visited often.

But Anakin had always gone straight to the Chancellor, that was the path he was familiar with.

Obi-Wan was now officially a Senate liaison, having been taken off active duty due to his pregnancy and because of that, he would now be showing up in the Rotunda more often than not. Thankfully, today he was only here to observe the Senate meeting.

Jango, in full armor, was going with him because he was a protective bastard and as his mate, had full right to follow Obi-Wan anywhere in the Senate.

He acted very much like a bodyguard, scowling at everyone that looked at Obi-Wan the wrong way or too long, his helmet thumping on his thigh as it hung from his belt, clearly wanting everyone to see his face.

Jango was nothing if not a fastidious mate.  

But so was Rex, who was sensing Anakin’s discomfort at being in the Rotunda.

After the failed heat, the two had cuddled together for a long time before Rex had quietly asked what Anakin wanted to do now that his heat was over.

That of course, had been very simple for Anakin now that his body didn’t hurt at the slightest touch to his most sensitive areas, which oddly enough included his armpits that had kept itching and burning for some odd reason.

He wanted to get bonded.

Rex had balked a bit, eyes wide as he clenched his arms around Anakin, panicked about the pain it would cause.

Bonding with an omega in heat was preferred due to the pain bonding could cause, both from biting through the gland and the bond slotting into place.

But why Rex thought that Anakin would be more sensitive to that than he himself, Anakin had no idea.

Rex didn’t have those omega prejudices many worlds had from old so it had surprised and honestly offended Anakin.

Until Rex had explained nervously that only a few hours ago, Anakin was crying if Rex so much as brushed against his bonding gland and that the last thing the alpha wanted after seeing that, was to cause more pain and discomfort.

It mollified Anakin, slightly.

And he had managed to talk Rex into it once he assured the other that he wasn’t as sensitive anymore.

It still had hurt like a bugger, something Rex had agreed with after Anakin returned the favor but Force, a mating bond was like nothing Anakin had suspected and yet everything at the same time.

Of course, that also meant that everyone was now able to smell Rex and Anakin on each other and knew they were now mates and coming to the Rotunda meant Senators… Senators like Padme Amidala, who had been staring at him from one of the higher floors for what felt like hours.

Even from a distance he could feel her shock and hurt, though he wasn’t sure why, she was the one that had distanced herself first when it was clear he was an omega.

And he knew that somewhere in this building, the Chancellor lurked, like a snake waiting to strike.

It was strange to think that once, that man had been a friend but once Anakin’s status had come out…

He would never forget the desire in the old man’s eyes and the slimy feeling it gave down his back.

A hand wrapped around his, forcing Anakin’s attention to the here and now as he glanced to his side, Rex peering up at him with a small frown that turned into a smile when Anakin squeezed his hand in return.

It didn’t matter now.

Anakin was bonded, neither Padme or the Chancellor mattered to him anymore, at least not in a mating situation.

Because Anakin was spoken for by a man he knew would always do his best by Anakin.

He hoped he could do his best by Rex too.

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