Show white purity. There is no way Anakin won’t wake up with morning wood, possibly with it pressed up against Obi-Wan because of their cuddling.

He was so warm.

So warm and so comfortable and it was the most beautiful feeling in the world and he would do anything to keep that feeling as he drowsily continued floating in the warmth and dazed comfort of the place between sleep and true awakening.

And something was jabbing him in the back though and slowly but surely, Obi-Wan opened lidded eyes to peer into the dimly lit cabin.

By his own internal clock, he must have been asleep for about seven hours or so, which seemed about right for Obi-Wan on normal days.

Ships had a tendency to mess with it though so he couldn’t be entirely sure.

Shifting a bit, intent on reaching out to check a chrono, Obi-Wan froze as he realized someones arms were around him along with an erection in his back.

Forcing himself to breath, Obi-Wan scanned his memories before melting into the bunk, recalling that it was just Anakin.

Just sweet Anakin.

It was a bit uncomfortable with the morning wood in his back but it wasn’t the first time it had happened, so Obi-Wan settled, carefully reaching to his stomach where one of Anakin’s hands were resting.

‘We were face to face when we fell asleep. I guess we moved around on this narrow two man bunk.’ Obi-Wan mused tiredly, shifting a bit as he felt himself rise in interest to the erection pressed to his back.

That was… less pleasing.

It was a perfectly natural reaction of course, just like Anakin’s ‘morning’ wood but Obi-Wan wasn’t pleased about it since Anakin was asleep and Obi-Wan did not want to hump him again.

‘Just… focus on something else, something nice… like Anakin’s hand.’ His lips twitched into a small smile as he continued to slowly caress the others hand.

It was as large as Obi-Wan’s if they pressed their hands palm to palm but Anakin’s fingers were slightly longer and his palm somewhat slimmer, leaving some space at the sides. And his hand was warm.

Delightfully warm.

Slowly, Obi-Wan laced their fingers together, feeling the calluses from saber wielding in the others hand, alerting him to this being Anakin’s right hand for sure as that was Anakin’s dominant saber hand.

‘…I shouldn’t be his master but I can’t bare the idea letting go of him now, not when we’re so close to him becoming a knight, finishing his trials,’ Obi-Wan self-recrimination cropped up and he winced internally at the thought. ‘I’m a pervert still.’

The hand he was holding suddenly tightened on him with the other pulling him more tightly against the warm body against him. “You’re not.” A sleep rough voice mumbled out.

Wincing slightly in realization he had let his shields lower during his sleepy haze, Obi-Wan just squeezed the others hand slightly.

“Master…” Anakin voice was becoming low, incensed.

Sighing, Obi-Wan squeezed Anakin’s hand in return. “Peace Anakin… please.” He whispered, voice cracking on the plea.

But it was enough to make the other back down.

But he didn’t let go of Obi-Wan, holding him tightly to his body, the erection quite clearly felt in his back.

But Anakin didn’t seem intent on doing anything so Obi-Wan let it be, even as his own thoughts brought his down.

A warm nose suddenly bumped into the back of his nose. “Sleep master, there’s still time left.” He whispered quietly.

“…Yes, some more sleep sounds good.” Quietly agreeing, Obi-Wan closed his eyes and let the sound of Anakin’s even breath and warm presence wrap around him and sooth him to sleep, the feel of Anakin’s free hand rubbing lightly against his stomach over the silky fabric providing a comfort Obi-Wan wasn’t sure how to explain only that it did.

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