Now that Obi has miscarries in Secrets We Carry, how much pressure is the Team deceiving to go about business as usual? If it is occurring, who is doing the pressuring?

Pausing in the doorway with the tray in hand, Cody swallowed thickly as he stared at his General, the man for the first time since the miscarriage being utterly alone while awake.

Anakin had to jump over to the Resolute, Rex needing his General hands on and Helix was nowhere in sight. Where the medic was, if he was perhaps in his office, Cody didn’t know.

What he did know was that his heart hurt as he stared at his General.

Obi-Wan had always seemed so much larger than life to Cody, though he was not really all that much bigger than most people and yet his presence seemed to fill rooms as he commanded attention with a smile and a word.

‘He looks so small and ill, though better than earlier when General Skywalker helped him out from the fresher…’ Obi-Wan was propped up by pillows, a pad in his hands as he was reading something. Despite the rest and food Helix was making sure he had, Obi-Wan’s skin was still so pale and papery thin looking and he had dark rings around his eyes and maybe it was the pillows or maybe it was something else but somehow he seemed almost petite in body.


That could be with the weight loss and then the miscarriage and blood loss but… it still hurt Cody to see the other in his condition when all he really wanted was for Obi-Wan to smile once more.

Small and ill.

‘And unaware. D-Does he feel safe in here?’ Cody licked his lips as he wavered hesitantly. ‘I hope he does. He deserves to feel safe somewhere.’ Swallowing, Cody stepped forward and cleared his throat to announce himself. “Sir?” He murmured, his heart clenching when Obi-Wan jumped with a quiet meep, looking up with a fearful expression for a moment.

“Mmnh… its you Commander…” Obi-Wan relaxed, settling the pad in his lap as his eyes lowered to the tray in the troopers hands. “Oh, is it mealtime?” He blinked slowly.

“Yes sir,” Cody walked over to him, watching as Obi-Wan pulled the bed table to support the tray over his lap. “Brown rice mixed with egg and chopped vegetables, some broth and a small jello.” He smiled at the other, relieved Obi-Wan had relaxed.

There were two portions on the tray, Cody opting to eat with his General now that he was aware of the others condition.

He had also seen Obi-Wan eat, how he relaxed when others around him were eating at the same time or at the very least seemed to be less self-conscious about his own food. Which was why he was taking one of the bowls to eat, relieved when Obi-Wan followed a moment later with his own shaking hands.

Quietly, Cody settled down on the chair Skywalker usually used and started to eat, wishing he had hot sauce or something as despite the egg and vegetables, the meal was rather bland.

But he would tolerate that as Obi-Wan’s diet was reduced to things like this.

Overtly, he watched as Obi-Wan cradled the bowl to ensure he wouldn’t spill food everywhere. ‘His hands still shake so much. Why are they shaking, I thought Helix said he was healed from the blood loss at least?’ Half of the food ended up falling back in the bowl with how Obi-Wan trembled.

But he was eating.

And Helix hadn’t put him on a new IV bag.


Cody glanced up at the IV pole.

Instead of a IV bag, there was now a blue bottle instead that was slowly dripping into the tube that lead to Obi-Wan’s hand, the fluids in it being tinged lightly blue.

‘Medication maybe?’

He wanted to ask but felt it wasn’t his right to know after failing Obi-Wan so much and what if it was too inva-there was a sharp click and Cody looked up sharply to find Obi-Wan no longer holding the bowl, his hands clenched together. “…General?” He shifted forward, setting his own bowl down. “Are you al-” Cody quieted down, blinking as Obi-Wan held up the hand without the Iv needle in.

“…Can,” Obi-Wan swallowed thickly, staring at Cody. “Can you please hold my hand for a bit? Just a little bit?” He whispered warily.

A little bewildered, Cody didn’t hesitate to tug his gloves off and tucking them on his belt before reaching out and grasping Obi-Wan’s hand in his, surprised by the tight grip the Jedi had on his hand, Obi-Wan lowering his eyes back on the tray once Cody held his hand.

‘…Its so cold… and still shaking.’ Cody swallowed, standing up and pushing the tray table aside so he could sit on the bedside instead, slowly rubbing at Obi-Wan’s hand with his thumbs. A thought occurred to him as he stared at his General. “…Its going to be alright. You’re going to be alright, you’re safe on the Negotiator, in the medbay.” He whispered,

Obi-Wan flinched and Cody swallowed thickly, his suspicion at least partly confirmed as he shifted closer to the other, slowly rubbing Obi-Wan’s hand. “Its alright to be scared Obi-Wan… but we won’t let anyone hurt you again though. No one is going to hurt you on the Negotiator.” Cody stated imploringly, squeezing the thin hand in his as Obi-Wan leaned forward and pressed his forehead to the commander’s shoulder.

‘I’ll slaughter anyone that hurts you from here on out, I’ll rip them apart with my own hands,’ Cody swore, resisting the urge to wrap his arms around the other and only hold the hand he had been given, letting Obi-Wan be in charge of his own bodily autonomy. ‘The first one that touches you pays with their life.’

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