#MajorStars: Ani meets his bearer officially as padawan brothers. Ani loves his bearer’s presence.

Stumbling out of the fresher only to freeze when he heard another voice in the quarters, Anakin held his breath for a moment before shaking himself and sneaking towards the kitchenette, peeking in around the wall.


It was Obi-Wan!

His suspicions were right, his bearer had come to visit and was standing with Qui-Gon at the counter, teasing him lightly, gently hip bumping the other man with a joking smile on his lips. Qui-Gon himself gave a low, chuckling laugh, clearly used to the action as he picked up the boiled kettle to pour into the teapot on the counter, sending the younger man a warm look.

And simultaneously catching sight of Anakin, his smile spreading even as Anakin gave a little squeak. “Ah, there you are padawan. We have a guest today.” Qui-Gon stated even as Obi-Wan was turning quickly.

Green eyes were sparkling with subdued excitement and nervousness, Anakin catching sight of it before Obi-Wan covered it up by smiling widely at him. “Well, hello there, you must be Anakin. I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon’s former padawan before you.” He stated warmly, his eyes clearly taking in the sight of Anakin.

This was his parent, this was Obi-Wan and he was smiling at Anakin, standing right in front of him and-and… and Anakin didn’t have to hold back this time.

Moving around the wall, Anakin let out a soft noise and moved forward before his brain could tell him to stop, rushing at Obi-Wan and wrapping his arms around the others waist, pressing his face to Obi-Wan’s stomach.

He could feel what was almost a soft pudge or maybe that was the layers of tunic the other was wearing but regardless, it was warm.

Obi-Wan was warm.

It felt good and Obi-Wan’s hands came up to hug him in return, one hand running through his short shorn hair slowly.

‘…Mom… This is how my mom feels and he’s warm and soft and… and I don’t want to let go ever.’ He shook a bit, fighting to reign in his emotions so he could look up at the other, smiling up at the redhead peering down at him with concern. “Hi. Thank you for the ship.” Anakin whispered, unsure what else to say.

Instantly Obi-Wan’s smile turned wide again, his hand petting through Anakin’s spikes. “You liked it then? I heard from the temple grapevine that you liked ships…” He stated, almost sounding shy to Anakin’s surprise.

But then again, he only knew Obi-Wan from reputation.

The Sith slayer, a diplomat with a silver tongue, someone that was the ideal Jedi.

Or that was what everyone said.

But… Obi-Wan cared for Anakin clearly, Anakin knew that as he pressed into the warmth of the others body, feeling the warm hands petting him.

Another, larger hand, equally warm, rested on Anakin’s back and he peered up to find Qui-Gon looking over Obi-Wan’s shoulder as he reached around his former padawan. “The tea is done steeping.” He announced softly.

Grasping Obi-Wan’s hand, Anakin gave the man an excited smile. “Tell me about your missions?” He questioned hopefully as Qui-Gon set the teapot on the carry tray along with teacups.

And thankfully a large pot of honey.

Obi-Wan laughed softly, following Anakin out to caff table as Qui-Gon carried the tray with tea, Anakin’s chest glowing with warmth and happiness. ‘My parents. These are my parents!’

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