#MerSong- Ani, Obi, and Jango talk. Ani gets to feel reassured that Obi will not leave him.

Curled into the other mer’s side, Obi-Wan couldn’t stop grinning at Jango. Ocean waves, his face hurt from how much he was smiling!

Finding Jango again felt like a damn dream, he’d never expected to find a familiar, friendly face again.

Not only had Obi-Wan managed to find an alpha that suited his taste, that he was maybe going to form a proper mating bond with but he had also found his old pod mate and friend. Even if things fell through with him and Anakin, he was guaranteed a home with Jango and his brood, because there was no way Jango would leave him to fend for himself.

Jango had always been a protective person and Obi-Wan couldn’t imagine parenthood had changed him

And speaking of parenthood… “I still can’t believe you managed to parthenogenesis, and so many of them!” Obi-Wan glanced around the cave, feeling Anakin’s arm latch around him as if he was an octopus instead of a mer.

He didn’t notice Jango’s amused stare at the blond’s needy action, absently patting Anakin’s hand on his waist instead.

“Yeah, I have no idea how I managed that either. And not all of them look exactly like me either,” Jango shrugged, reaching out to pull on Rex’s dark blue tail, the blond yelping and whacking his father with his tail before giving a burst of speed to get behind Anakin and Obi-Wan, avoiding retaliation. “Though, they’re all little shits.” Jango smirked, scratching at his chin.

Laughing, Obi-Wan shook his head and fluttered his fins at Jango. “As if you weren’t one at their age? We were in the same pod, I know what you were up to at their age.” He teased back, humming happily when Anakin nuzzled at his hair.

“Still can’t believe you’re here,” Jango mused, resting back against the cave wall, tucking his hands behind his head. “I was sure you’d already be mated ages ago to… oh hell.” Jango sighed suddenly, eyeing Obi-Wan with sharp, knowing eyes. “Satine choose another, didn’t she?” He asked grimly.

Flickering his tail, Obi-Wan glanced warily at Anakin.

It felt disingenuous to talk about Satine with Anakin there.

As if admitting the reason he left his former pod was because he wasn’t picked.

“Obi-Wan.” Jango stated sternly, frowning at him.

Sighing, Obi-Wan pressed into Anakin’s side. “No. She didn’t. I don’t know why and I didn’t have a place in the pod anymore, you know how many omegas there were in the pod, if I’d stayed, then there be no one I was compatible with.” Obi-Wan admitted quietly, fiddling with Anakin’s fingers on his waist.

Of course, mating wasn’t all there was to life, you didn’t have to have a partner or pups…

But Obi-Wan had wanted.

And he had thought Satine wanted the same with him.

‘Doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter, the ocean is bit a there are other chances.’ He turned his head, smiling up at the confused looking Anakin, the blond tightening his hug when Obi-Wan smiled at him.

“Whose Satine?” Cody, one of Jango’s older sons, asked.

Honestly, Obi-Wan could see himself getting quite well along with Cody and it seemed that between Rex and Cody, one of the two would be the leader after Jango, both powerful and commanding but Cody a bit more rigid than Rex.

“Someone that Anakin is very lucky is a moron,” Jango stated dryly, accepting one of his sons into his arms to cuddle, Obi-Wan taking notice that this one was an omega of all things and seemed to be damaged, scars stretching over their body and their tail not moving correctly. “But to answer you better, Satine is the clan head of my former pod, her father was when I was still in the pod.” He shrugged.

Cody frowned slightly, blinking before looking at Obi-Wan, putting two and two together.

Letting out a deep snort, Jango continued cuddling his son, another with a five of all things tattooed on his forehead coming closer to rub at the others back. “She was always a moron. Guess that’s to our boon though, you were always the cleverest of the podlings in group hunting. Never saw anyone take down a shark as easily as you did” He gave a toothy grin, laughing when Obi-Wan flushed at the impressed gazes he was getting from Jango’s brood.

“My boon, that’s for sure.” Anakin agreed quietly, the words only meant for Obi-Wan as the mer smiled shyly at his old friend, settled into Anakin’s side on the sand.

‘Yeah… this is my new pod. My new home.’ Obi-Wan nuzzled Anakin, chirping faintly at him.

He was home.

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