Hi hope you are a having a good weekend. Thanks again for writing such wonderful stories that make us fall in love with the characters that you write. If you have some time coming can you continue Hoarder Seer…I want to see those babies and hope that Cody is going to be perfectly fine.

To add insult to injury after the poisoning of his love, the stress finally tipped over for Obi-Wan’s body as a trickle of water ran down Obi-Wan’s thighs, followed soon after by a slow contraction of pain even as Cody’s color was improving with the antidote spreading through his system, fighting the poison.

The babies were going to be born, regardless if Obi-Wan was ready or not though how long the labor would take was uncertain.

It could take everything from a full day to maybe half a day since Obi-Wan was still in the early stages of labor with his water breaking, the occasional contraction hitting along with his backache.

And Force did Obi-Wan have to go to the bathroom occasionally, a female togruta medic quickly explaining that one of the children were most likely laying against his bladder as she helped him out of his normal clothes and into a long medcenter gown that thankfully reached his knees, leaving him easily exposed for the time to come when he would be dilating.

She had also assured him that should an accident occur, that would also be completely natural even as Obi-Wan turned bright red at the suggestion of wetting himself and the bed.

‘Thank Force its been eight months, the kids are fully developed.’ Obi-Wan thought shakily even as he was being settled into bed, his hips hurting severely enough that the doctor wanted him in bed, the medic theorizing that as a male birth, his hips were preparing for the birth and they might need to set them after.

The nurses scuttled about quickly after helping him into bed, sending wary looks towards the troopers now stationed in his room as they moved around them as they kept a close eye with them in return.

After the poison attempt, Wooley had enough and had set up guards directly in the room as he and Qui-Gon dealt with the poisoning attempt, crowding it a bit with the nurses trying to get Obi-Wan comfortable with Cody settled on a second bed in the room, watching closely with worried eyes.

Helix was at Cody’s side, taking care of him since the poisoning had left the commander exhausted and numb. “Its just a temporary side effect for now,” Helix explained to both, eyeing one of the nurses before looking back to Cody. “You just need rest and fluids, though you have to take it carefully for a few days since the poison strained your organs, but I’m pretty sure you aren’t going far right now.” He looked to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan gave a breathless laugh at that before grunting slightly as one of the babies kicked him. “If he leaves this room for anything but food or the fresher, I’m gonna get up and kick him.” He huffed slightly.

That got a laugh from Cody, the trooper relaxing into the bed. “If you got enough energy to be sassy, you got a while to go still.” He stated softly.

Warmth spread through Obi-Wan at that, smiling slightly at his lover as one of the nurses covered him up with a blanket to keep him warm.

Cody had taken the pregnancy seriously, reading almost every article of relevance to a multiple pregnancy and childcare.

Hell, Obi-Wan suspected that Cody had also tried some hands-on experience down in the creche a few days when he and Cody weren’t together but he hadn’t asked.

But it made him feel loved, that Cody invested that much time into their future, into his care and their children care.

Huffing faintly as a contraction took him by surprise, Obi-Wan rubbed his belly slightly. “Has anyone called Anakin?” He questioned, snorting when he got a round of surprised looks first and then sheepish ones. “I suspect by the looks on everyone’s faces that he has not been informed of any of this?” He stated a tad dryly.

“I’ll inform him.” Helix offered, giving his vod a pat on the shoulder and then heading for the door, stepping out so he could take the call without the constant buzz of noises in the room being an issue.

Turning his head to look at Cody again, Obi-Wan smiled slightly. “So… our kids will be coming soon, you ready?” He teased gently, even as a thrum of nervousness went through him.

Because what if Cody wasn’t?

What if Obi-Wan wasn’t?

Cody however gave him a tranquil smile. “Cyare, after everything this war had to throw at us and the weird Force osik I had to put up with, I’m ready for anything. Just as long as I’m doing it with you.” He informed almost cheerfully, melting Obi-Wan’s nerves away.

As long as they were doing it together.

Smiling, Obi-Wan gave a nod at that as he rubbed his stomach in slow, uneven circles.

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