Helix being taken care of by Obi-Wan for once?

Groaning faintly at a touch to his forehead, Helix forced his eyes open despite how his head was throbbing to squint at the person touching him, letting out a low noise when he saw the General.

From what he could tell with his throbbing head, he was in one of the standard tents of the GAR and blissfully, it was dark in the room as his sore eyes took in the sight of his fellow redhead.

Dark and thankfully warm as Helix felt like all the warmth in his own body had been dragged out of his body and his core replaced with a block of ice.

Even his General’s normally cold hand felt warm to him, the calluses catching slightly against his own skin.

Sluggishly, his mind reminded him that he should say or do something since the General was there.

However before he could do much more than twitch, the Jedi placed his other hand on Helix shoulder, anticipating the action clearly. “Shhh, no, stay down Helix. You got severe cold from that unfortunate dip you and Waxer got into the lake.” Obi-Wan stated softly but even the softness of the others voice was like a scalpel being stuck into his head and Helix let out a low whine of pain, the medic closing his eyes.

The hand on his face however was lovely, gently stroking Helix hair, temple and forehead slowly, causing Helix to open his eyes again to look at the General.

Obi-Wan smiled at him. “Sawbone is taking care of the medtent while you’re sick, so don’t worry about there not being anyone to care for the injured.” Obi-Wan murmured, keeping one hand on Helix as he reached for something out of Helix view.

It half occurred to Helix that he must be in the General’s tent.

That caused him to shift, he couldn’t get his General sick!

But his body was aching for too much for him to really make much movement.

Was Waxer the same way?

Was hard to imagine the sunshine man doing anything but bouncing around with a grin on his fa-there was a straw against Helix’s lips and he automatically started sucking, a sweet, cool liquid spreading over his tongue.

Oh, oh that was lovely and Helix let out a low moan around the straw.

Obi-Wan smiled at him, holding the cup with the straw that was against his lips. “There we go, just drink. Sawbone said you’d need a lot of fluids to fight the cold.” The Jedi murmured.

Helix just continued drinking, his mind finally latching onto the oddity of the situation.

Why was the General of the 212th looking after the medic?

Not that Helix minded!

Honestly, if he was in a better condition, he’d feel flattered by the undivided attention being paid to him by the General frankly but as it was, he was just tired, achy and wanted a long nap and a cuddle from someone.

Preferably someone that smelled nice…

‘General smells nice.’ He noted dazedly, blinking up at him as the liquid finally ran out, the cup empty.

Obi-Wan set the cup aside and then reached down, pulling the blankets up around Helix and while that was nice, it removed the man’s hand from Helix forehead, something the medic mourned. “There we go. We’ll try some more fluids later, maybe broth. You’ll need some salt in your system too after all.” He stated warmly, smiling down at Helix.

‘Pretty smile.’ Helix thought to himself, wanting to reach up and pet the others fuzzy face.

He even managed to move his hands around a bit but gave up when that made everything feel ten times worse.

Why did his head hurt because he moved his hands!?

Giving up, still wondering why the General was taking care of him, Helix closed his eyes while sighing deeply, letting out a soft noise as he heard the tent flaps shift.

“How is he?” A low, familiar voice murmured. Cody, Helix’s mind supplied.

“Awake enough to drink on his own. I don’t think he even noticed the IV drip.” Obi-Wan stated to Helix confusion.

Oh, whatever, Helix was tired, his General was there and so was his vod.

So he was going to sleep, the comforting, low murmur of their voices washing over him.

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