In tomeyoubelong, does Kebii’tra mean anything in Mandoa?

Resisting the urge to rub his face tiredly, Vader continued staring at the viewport of the bridge of the Fist as the troopers and Imperial officers worked around him, his arms crossed over his chest and his helmet hid his actual facial expression.

They were practically scurrying, seemingly sensing that Vader was in an uneasy mood and therefore trying to keep as quiet and unobtrusively as possible.

Not that the young Sith lord would have noticed them much at all, too busy thinking about the omega hiding away in his quarters ‘Kebii’tra… seriously master, you named yourself ‘Sky’,’ He signed internally as outwardly, he simply tapped his mech fingers on his upper arm. ‘Should I feel grateful that you didn’t just outright name yourself Skywalker at this point?’ He wondered.

He had never taken Obi-Wan for a sentimental fool.

But honestly, at this point he was wondering if Anakin Skywalker had known his master as well as he thought.

Clearly Obi-Wan was more sentimental and fond of the people in his life than Vader had ever thought, to the point he’d keep onto something as meaningless as a last name.

‘Ah… but didn’t your mother name you Skywalker for a reason?’ A sneering voice whispered in the back of Vader’s mind and he desperately snarled back at it.

He didn’t want to think about that. He’d spent a year not thinking about it and he wasn’t about to think about it no-

A muted gasp had him turning around, a soft growl escaping him as he saw Obi-Wan standing there in the open door of the bridge. “What are you doing here?” He stated darkly, the modulator changing his voice.

Obi-Wan raised his chin, ignoring all the troopers and Imperial’s discreetly watching him, taking in every inch of the omega from the borrowed black pj’s to the sunburn on his pale and freckled skin. “I was hungry.” He stated shortly, glaring around distrustfully.

The words almost startled Vader, not that it was obvious to anyone else. Or rather the accent startled him, because instead of the crisp Coruscantian he expected, a slight slur came from him instead.

A fake accent?

Of course, everyone else seemed to expect Vader to do… something.

He could feel the anticipation and fear in the Force and that confu-oh hell.

Obi-Wan had been short with him, Vader had choked people for less, his anger getting the better of him often, especially with all the alpha pheromones on the bridge.

It almost made him want to growl as he made his way over to Obi-Wan instead. “You could have summoned a droid to ask for lunch Ben.” He pointed out calmly, blinking under his helmet when Obi-Wan colored, the lack of beard exposing how dark the color got.

Hell, he had never seen that before, even as a knight, Obi-Wan grew his beard as quickly as he could, Vader could only faintly remember how the other looked without it and was rather certain Obi-Wan had never blushed when Anakin Skywalker was his padawan.

Seeing it now…

It was cute.

‘And…’ Glancing around without turning his head too much. ‘Our ploy seems to have worked. No one seems to be able to tell that ‘Ben’ is Obi-Wan.’ Vader noted with heavy satisfaction only to have his focus snap back on the redhead when he answered.

“I tried, it wouldn’t listen to me.” Obi-Wan mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

“…It wouldn’t listen to you?” Vader growled faintly, growling louder when Obi-Wan’s stomach gave a loud growl of its own.

Obi-Wan wasn’t just hungry, he was starved clearly if his stomach was yelling out.

Reaching out, Vader manhandled the other, turning Obi-Wan and pushing him forward. “I’ll deal with it, what do you want?” He snapped out, ignoring the silence of the bridge and the shock in the Force.

He had an omega to feed and therefore he was ignoring how tense Obi-Wan was under his grasp, they were still working on the trust and honestly, being stuck in the small quarters weren’t good for building said trust.

“You’ll… fix the droid?” Obi-Wan questioned a tad more quietly, breathing out in relief when Vader nodded sharply. “Alright, but for now… anything would do.” He muttered quietly, relaxing slightly under the grasp.

‘…Alderaani chicken and butter steamed vegetables.’ Anakin Skywalker memories supplied the image of Obi-Wan’s smiling face as he enjoyed said dish and Vader moved closer to his former master. “Twenty minutes, I’ll have it sorted.” He promised quietly, leading Obi-Wan back to his quarters on the Fist.

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