#LifeInMusic- Dooku and Obi notice they have caught some unwanted attention when it bumps into them.

Stepping off the stairs and out of the theater, Yan glanced down to his right and let out a soft chuckle at the sight of his grandpadawan. “I would ask if you enjoyed it, but I think the answer is clear from the look on your face.” Yan stated fondly as Obi-Wan beamed up at him, practically skipping with his joy.

Yan’s statement made the boy flush a bit but did nothing to dampen his obvious joy. “I really enjoyed it master Yan! The theater was lovely and the music was just…” Obi-Wan fumbled for words, his green eyes wide and sparkling.

It was just adorable and Yan couldn’t resist reaching out to fluff the red spikes of the others hair, laughing quietly when the other squeaked in surprise. “Good, good, I’m glad you enjoyed it Obi-Wan, that was the intention after all.” And it would make it easier to invite Obi-Wan for other musicals.

The boy’s honest enjoyment of music was something the two of them could share and Yan was looking forward to more musicals and plays with his grandpadawan.

“You must be hungry.” He stated instead of voicing his future plans.

Opening his mouth, Obi-Wan clearly intended to answer only for his stomach to growl loudly, answering for him. The boy went bright red, eyes wide in surprise. “I, oops. I’m sorry master.” Obi-Wan squeaked out.

Laughing, Yan guided them out the doors with a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder and out into the semi fresh and certainly cooler air than the inside. “Oh, its alright Obi-Wan, I’ve kept you occupied for hours now and you are a growing boy. I’m honestly shocked you haven’t complained,” He teased carefully, content to see the boy smiling shyly at him. “Why, Qui-Gon would complain if I let him go hungry even for an hour.” Yan patted the boy’s shoulder.

An exaggeration of course, Qui-Gon had eaten well and he could moan at time as a teenager but on missions he behaved himself and the boy always knew where to find foods.

Yan had never starved his padawan, he didn’t believe in food punishment, especially not for children due to how damaging it could be and had always had snacks that his padawan’s preferred in their quarters.

“Really?” Obi-Wan grinned up at him. “Master di-ouf!” Obi-Wan walked into a human wearing a fancy blue with silver stitching robe, the teen falling back and would have fallen on his ass if it wasn’t for Yan quickly grasping him and pulling him close.

The man turned quickly, allowing Yan to recognize him and the muun the man had been speaking with.

Newly elected Senator Palpatine and Hego Damask, one of the highest member of the Banking clan.

A faux look of surprise crossed the young senator’s face, his acting skills were good but Yan could spot that the senator was putting on an act. “Ah, apologies there my young friend. I seem to have blocked the path.” He stated, bowing slightly with a smile.

A deep unease was settling into Yan’s bones and he didn’t have for habit to ignore his instincts. The senator had placed himself on purpose, just for this incident to happen.

Pulling Obi-Wan more into him before the boy could answer, Yan put on his best smile, inclining his head. “No harm done. Me and my young friend however has been out far past his bedtime and I promised his guardian to get him home quickly once the show was over, I hope you understand our urgency.” He stated, pulling Obi-Wan with him quickly towards their waiting speeder.

It was rude, there was no question that their abrupt departure was rude, especially since they hadn’t introduced themselves or waited for the two to introduce them to the Jedi.

But every instinct he had told him to get Obi-Wan away from the two influential members of society and quickly.

“Grandmaster?” Obi-Wan whispered, looking up at him in obvious confusion and to Yan’s sorrow, also a tiny bit of fear.

Yan had scared him clearly, either by his manhandling or by his hurried actions.

Pushing the other into the speeder, Yan gave him as good a smile as he could. “Obi-Wan, promise me, if you ever see those two again, try not to speak with them.” He whispered quietly, closing the speeder door for the boy.

He felt Obi-Wan watch him as he moved around to the driver side and thankfully, the fear was gone and replaced by pure bewilderment. “Yes grandmaster… but… can I ask why?” Obi-Wan’s inquiry was full of curiosity.

Glancing back to the doors, Yan let out a breath between clenched teeth as he found the muun and human still watching them. “I can not prove it Obi-Wan… but they give me an uneasy feeling. I’ve learned to trust those. So please, promise me.” He stated seriously as he started up the speeder.

Large, doe like eyes widened before Obi-Wan nodded. “Yes grandmaster Yan, I promise.” He answered equally serious

Hopefully, that would be enough and Yan reached out to ruffle the others hair. “Now, lets get you feed.” He murmured fondly, feeling himself ease up ever so slightly at the promise and smile the teen gave him.

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