Hey! I am absolutely in love with your writing and I discovered «Hoarder Seer» and it is sooooo good! *-* I am so happy Obi-Wan and his children are alive! Any chance we get to see what happens next? Like maybe him recovering from the attack and Cody by his side helping him get back on his feet?

Leaning against the wall, Cody let out a soft hum. “Are you sure you’re alright cyare?” He questioned quietly as he peered around the doorway and into the open fresher.

Letting out a low chuckle of amusement, Obi-Wan sent the other a small smile as he sat on the toilet, the position easier for him due to the pelvic pain he was having than to stand and pee. “Yes Cody, if I need help, I’ll ask you but I am as good as done.” He stated fondly, chuckling more when Cody’s ears turned red and he went back to staring at the door to his room.

Since Obi-Wan was still so weak after the explosion, Cody hadn’t felt comfortable with him going to the fresher with the door closed, just in case he fell over or overbalanced in his weakened condition.

But a the same time, he also didn’t want anyone seeing Obi-Wan in his current position, which lead to this compromise of Cody guarding the doors.

Honestly, Obi-Wan half wanted Qui-Gon to come through the door and see how Cody reacted to the older master or maybe even a nurse, cause frankly?

Cody’s reaction would be hilarious.

‘Not that people could see much except for my legs, seeing as I just pulled up my medical gown and my underwear is on my knees.’ Obi-Wan mused to himself, shaking himself before awkwardly getting to his feet by gripping the sink beside the toilet, the heavy swell of his belly making things hard as usual.

Not that he was about to complain but honestly, at this point he’d welcome the kids for the sole reason that moving around would be easier.

Hearing him move around, Cody instantly turned to him, awkwardly twisting his hands together as he stared at Obi-Wan.

Blinking back, Obi-Wan struggled to pull his underwear up before letting out a huff and giving the other an imploring stare. “Cody… could you help me?” Obi-Wan sighed, blinking again when relief echoed in Cody’s eyes.

‘Oh… he wanted to help.’ Obi-Wan flushed a bit as Cody stepped in and pulled up Obi-Wan’s underwear, carefully pulling it up around the swell as he ignored the blaster strapped to Obi-Wan’s inner thigh, offering his arm after with a small smile, eager to get Obi-Wan back to bed.

That just made Obi-Wan smile as he shuffled around the sink instead. “Wash my hands first and then you can help me back to bed love.” He stated calmly, trying not to giggle when Cody made a slightly embarrassed noise of realization.

“Right, hand wash… sorry.” Cody laughed slightly, watching Obi-Wan with a soft, endearing look on his face, his image reflected in the mirror.

It made Obi-Wan’s heart thump with softness as he washed his hands on auto while watching Cody’s face, the softness of the others eyes and the love obvious in his smile. Sometimes he wondered if he deserved it, other times he could just feel happy that he had somehow gained it.

Finally, done in the fresher, he let Cody direct him back into bed, wobbling faintly as he leaned heavily on the other. “Thank you Cody.” He whispered.

“Of course Obi-Wan, you don’t have to thank me for helping you.” Cody scolded quietly, helping him into bed and tucking the covers around him, fussing over him.

‘I don’t mean for that but I think its better if I don’t explain myself,’ He smiled at the other. ‘Thank you for loving me Cody, thank you for not belittling my hoarder skill, I know its something those outside of the Force has a hard time understanding, thank you for being you. Just… thank you Cody, my dearest Cody. Thank you for our children.’ Obi-Wan settled back into the bed, breathing out.

Then he laughed softly as Cody sat on his bedside to hold his hand, rubbing it between his own.

Cody was just endearing, he couldn’t help but adore the other man and he settled down into the pillows the other had fluffed up for him when Obi-Wan got up to go to the loo. “I swear you spoil me.” He noted lovingly, smiling at him.

“Anything for you cyare, you’re my heart and soul.” Cody whispered, lifting the others hands to his lips.

Flushing, Obi-Wan wondered if anyone would blame him for being utterly captivated by his commander… and then he decided he didn’t care at all as he pulled the other down into a soft kiss with a tug on Cody’s hands. So what if Cody had him utterly charmed?

Jedi were fully allowed to love as long as they didn’t let themselves be consumed by it and while Obi-Wan would give his own life for Cody… well, he knew that Cody wouldn’t want it.

Cody respected that Obi-Wan was a Jedi, that he had a duty.

And that was part of Cody’s charm.

Obi-Wan was the luckiest man in the entire galaxy for gaining Cody’s love.

He only pulled away from the soft kiss when the door hissed open, both turning their heads to find a nurse coming in, the twi’lek smiling warmly at them with a tray in his hands. “Master Jedi, commander, lunch time.” He cheerfully announced, lifting the covered tray.

Despite how bright and happy the nurse was, Obi-Wan felt a sudden unease trickle down his spine as he stared at the tray.

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