Can we see more Trauma breaks all? More hugs for Obi, please, because boy needs one

When Ahsoka had been assigned to Skyguy, she hadn’t known what to expect.

She had known that Yoda was honestly tricking the two Jedi, that Master Obi-Wan had been the one that expected to gain a padawan and Anakin hadn’t been prepared at all. She knew that things weren’t going to be easy.

But they had figured it out, found a rhythm and she had come to adore both of her masters.

Even if it was unofficial, everyone knew that Obi-Wan was her master almost as much as Anakin was.

And while in the start she had wondered if she’d ever get as close to her masters as Skyguy and master Obi-Wan was…

Well, she had never wished it as much as now as she watched master Obi-Wan slowly make himself a cup of tea, his entire demeanor seeming fatigued and overburdened, as if he had finally hit some invisible wall and could no longer pick himself up. ‘Or maybe… maybe its that he’s not hiding it anymore.’ Ahsoka’s mind piped up.

Both thoughts were depressing and Ahsoka wished she could do something, anything.

Anything but watching her grandmaster standing in the kitchen in his pj’s alone, his hair clearly bed ruffled and his hands shaking despite it being two pm, looking like he had just woken up and was only now getting out of bed.

She knew why of course. Anakin had spoken with her on the list of symptoms Obi-Wan had and she could recognize some of it from her classes.

He had depression at the very least and PTSD and it wouldn’t shock her if he also had anxiety and maybe even a touch of agoraphobia, seeing as Obi-Wan looked nervous anytime anyone spoke about leaving the quarters and even the temple at all.

The latter had actually been Barris who suggested, Ahsoka choosing to vent a bit to her friend on her own worries about master Obi-Wan.

And if Ahsoka was to speak bluntly, it wouldn’t shock her if he was worried about going outside of the temple, considering the war was outside of the temple. He would have to leave it to come face to face with it.

If he stayed in his quarters, then he could… well not ignore it but he wouldn’t have to be face to face with it.

Ahsoka understood that, even as it made her worried about him.

What could she do to help him though?

She wanted to help, but she was just… wait…

Blinking, a thought struck Ahsoka and before she could think too deeply about it, she crossed the floor quickly until she was beside the other, watching him pull his tea infuser out of the cup to place in the sink.

He jumped a bit when he noticed her beside him. “Ahsoka?” He murmured, a tad confused as he glanced to the couch. Obi-Wan hadn’t noticed her come over, clearly focused on his task. “Is there somethi-” Obi-Wan’s words cut off as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her head to his shoulder.

He was stiff in her arms, and she wondered if she had made a mistake, panic growing only to breath out when he suddenly went lax, turning slightly in her grasp to hug her in return. “Just… thought you needed a hug master Obi-Wan.” Ahsoka whispered, deciding to be honest. “You just looked like you could do with a hug.” She peered up at him, noting that she didn’t have to look up as far as she had when she first became a padawan.

To her relief, Obi-Wan’s eyes turned from confused and worn to something softer and even better, a genuine if tiny smile crossed his face. “That so… well then, thank you Ahsoka. A hug is very nice, especially from you, dearest ‘Soka.” He murmured.

Ducking her head and hiding her face against his shoulder, Ahsoka made a low, relieved noise, clinging to the human.

She didn’t think hugs could save him or heal him, but maybe they could help him?

She hoped so.

She really did want to help her grandmaster so if this was all she could do, then she’d hug him every day as long as he wanted it.

Ahsoka would help him get better if it was the last thing she did in this galaxy.

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