

I have 3000 followers now so here’s some tips for you all:

  • clean your scrapes and cuts; yes, even the small ones
  • use moisturizer and hair oils and stop overwashing your body
  • don’t mix cleaning chemicals for the love of god, especially if bleach is involved in any way, that shit CAN and WILL put you in the ER or in the ground
  • invest in a food processor or even a small electric chopper, it’s worth it, I promise
  • “common sense” isn’t real and we all have to learn things at some point; some people just learn things a bit later than others and that’s okay
  • regular sleep is important but some people are just wired differently and it’s okay if your natural sleep cycle doesn’t line up with how society is structured
  • don’t quit any prescription medication cold turkey unless it’s discussed in detail with at least one medical professional
  • stop asking yourself if you can survive without an accessibility aid and start asking if it will improve your quality of living instead
  • just be kind, to yourself and others

This is so lovely and kind, thank you

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