#lifeinmusic- Obi and his grandmaster have their own night out. Maybe we see an enterprising young Nabooian politician/Sith and his master.

Smiling softly to himself, Yan leaned back in his velvet dressed chair as he watched his excited grand-padawan instead of the play happening beneath them on the brightly lit stage, his hands resting in his lap with the play pamphlet clasped carefully to avoid wrinkling the decorated flimsi.

Not that Obi-Wan was paying attention to the play either, beautiful as it was with extraordinary actors.

No, Obi-Wan’s focus was further down than the stage, on the orchestra, watching the musicians play as directed by the conductor.

It was endearing to Yan if he was honest, he wasn’t one that easily felt comfortable or relaxed with children or even teens and maybe if the teen in front of him had been anyone else, he would have dismissed this as disrespect to the actors.

But he knew this child and knew he was respectful, knew Obi-Wan was just excited about the orchestra and therefore that was where his focus was.

‘And by the Force is he excited.’ Yan chuckled quietly to himself, the sound lost under the music as Obi-Wan leaned even more on the balcony rail to peer down, his eyes wide with a flush barely visible in the dim light of the theater. The child had been standing for the better part of the hour, to have a better view of the musicians and Yan knew the others legs should be feeling it at this point and yet his excitement was keeping him right there, standing, leaning on the balcony of the booth Yan had gotten them.

He was honestly extremely grateful that he got booth tickets now, if they had been sitting down among the audience, he’d have to pull Obi-Wan back into his seat.

Instead he got to enjoy Obi-Wan’s honest and refreshing elation without having to interrupt the boy.

It was endearing.

When was the last time that Yan Dooku had found a youngling to be endearing instead of merely tolerating them?

A very long time if he was brutally honest.

Yan didn’t mind children, that wasn’t it but he wasn’t really one to spend time with them and he would willingly admit that part of himself.

Not everyone was a good parent or teacher.

It was why he had so few padawans, he had to find the right ones to be able to train them.

And he would fully admit that if Obi-Wan was not Qui-Gon’s padawan, then he’d love to take the boy on.

The sharp mind and skill the other possessed was deeply intriguing to the Serenno native and he could already see the diplomat in making in the boy, under the passion and occasional emotional outbursts were the signs.

A diamond in the rough as some might say, though Yan would claim that Obi-Wan was more a star than a diamond, a bright glow in his Force aura.

So yes, Yan was endeared and frankly charmed by Obi-Wan, really, could anyone blame Yan?

Obi-Wan was genuine, hard-working, creative, a bit impish with a beautiful mind under his copper hair, his intelligence shining when he put his mind to it. And Yan well knew that several of the council members were also charmed by Obi-Wan and could possibly slightly jealous of Qui-Gon being able to snag Obi-Wan.

‘But that wouldn’t be shocking, what else are one suppose to feel, when Obi-Wan shines so brightly?’ Yan thought to himself, soft as Obi-Wan practically pulsed in the Force with his joy, as if his soul was preforming music.

So consumed with Obi-Wan’s joy, Yan was oblivious to the other eyes watching the boy, another redhead with narrowed, thoughtful pale eyes.

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