Is it possible to get a cuddle pile with Obi-Wan and the 212th???

Blinking tiredly into his own arms, Obi-Wan tried to remember just how he ended up in his current position, laying on his stomach in one of the rec rooms of the negotiator, a mattress under him cushioning any hardness or coldness from the durasteel floor.

Actually, there were several mattresses around him too, the rec room had been cleared for everything on the floor to make space for the mattresses and Obi-Wan didn’t want to know where they came from.

And on those mattresses?

Troopers, every time he lifted his head from his arms and glanced about, he saw troopers peering sleepily back at him when they felt gazes on them. Then they’d smile at him and go back to their own rest, tucked in close with others.

If Obi-Wan thought hard enough about it, he was pretty certain it was Helix that had dragged him along to the rec room and gone ‘humans thrive on touch, so get in, come on, get in General. Medic’s order.’ if he was remember right.

And he wasn’t quite sure.

But these were the facts he knew, that one, he was in a cleared out rec room with mattresses covering the floor.

Two, there were troopers all around him, cuddling up against him and on him.

And three, this was a regular occurrence for the vode, especially after hard battles.

They’d give each other a pat down, ensure they were healthy or at least healed and then curl in together for comfort and Obi-Wan apparently needed this too in the eyes of his troopers.

Which was why he was covered in troopers.

They had been hesitant when he appeared, wary about touching anything sore or bruised since Obi-Wan had a tendency to avoid the medbay for minor things since he could use the Force for it.

Not that anyone approved but it wasn’t like they could stop him and he did go to Helix for major thing, he couldn’t will away a broken rib or a lacerated back. But for bruises and soreness, Obi-Wan just needed to meditate and flush himself with the Force.

Or well, that was what he told Helix at least. There was a very good reason Obi-Wan had bacta bandages and bruise cream stationed under his bed in his quarters.

Helix didn’t believe him of course but couldn’t call him out on his bullshit either heh, the medic watching him with narrowed eyes every time Obi-Wan said he’d go into a healing trance for the bruises.

However, once everyone had become assured that they wouldn’t cause additional pain or discomfort by touching Obi-Wan, the Jedi had become fair game.

Quickly trooper settled in around him, curling up towards his sides like warm furnaces, Longshot going as far as using the back of Obi-Wan’s left thigh as a pillow, grumbling to himself when Boil and Waxer took over his stomach in turn as their own pillow.

Obi-Wan had just blinked owlishly for a bit until the sense of ease and comfort in the Force made him smile, the way the troopers comfortably settled around him as if he had always belonged right there among the vode.

And when Cody had come to join them, finally handing over command to someone else of the bridge… well Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel like he actually did belong. ‘…It reminds me of the creche piles,’ Obi-Wan closed his eyes, letting out a soft noise as Cody’s shoulder bumped against his as the other settled down next to him. ‘No blankets, just the warmth of everyone else… comfort, closeness, together…’ His thoughts turning slow from sleep, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smile sleepily as Cody cautiously wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulders.

Comfort and warmth, soft breaths all around the room with the occasional snores in a dimmed room.

‘I could get used to this…’

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