That High as a Kite bit was cute and funny! Poor Fives and Echo, I get the feeling they mostly offered that as a joke? They didn’t expect him to actually TAKE it! Or have THAT kind of reaction! XD I hope you’re having a lovely early morning!

Snorting faintly, Anakin scratched at the others back and neck carefully as Obi-Wan curled up into his lap like an oversized feline, the other having crawled from Cody’s lap to Anakin’s when he noticed his former padawan sitting down close by.

Pretty standard behavior if Anakin was honest.

This was pretty on par for Obi-Wan when he smoked most types of psychoactive substances, he’d first get extremely wired, his impulses lowered and then he’d crash, becoming extremely snuggly and sleepy.

First time Anakin had seen it, he had been fifteen and shocked as all Sith hells, Obi-Wan having been fighting his impulses since the weed had finally settled into him before finally giving in, racing around their lodgings for a good hour, doing several katas, incorrectly at that, standing on his hands and then he had collapsed, head supported on Anakin’s head while cooing about his adorable padawan.

It had been a very embarrassed Obi-Wan explaining in the morning, slightly hungover from that particular weed. Obi-Wan’s particular brand of humanoids had unique reactions to psychoactive substances, causing them to wig out.

Age had not mellowed it out either and Anakin smiled amusedly down at his masters as he snuggled with Anakin, being clingy.

‘Cold and detached my sweaty balls, Chancellor Palpatine really has no idea about you.’ Anakin thought to himself as he continued scratching along the others back, knowing how much Obi-Wan enjoyed it.

Anakin respected Chancellor Palpatine, he was a great mentor and Anakin appreciated his advice but honestly, the man had no clue when it came to Obi-Wan, Anakin had long ago decided that.

Honestly, if Anakin didn’t know better, he’d think the older man was trying to drive a wedge between him and Obi-Wan.

But that was ridiculous!

Anakin put it down to maybe the Chancellor being a bit jealous of the relationship he and Obi-Wan had, no one could really replace Obi-Wan in Anakin’s eyes.

“Okay, so what in Force name just happened Skyguy?” Ahsoka’s question broke him out of his musing, Anakin looking up with a puzzled look only to laugh when the other was staring at Obi-Wan. “Hey, don’t laugh at me. Master Obi-Wan just went…” She waved her hands around.

Scratching his neck own neck with his mech hand, the other resting on Obi-Wan’s back, Anakin mused on what to say. “If I’m honest sir, I’d like to know too.” Cody stated quietly, glancing at his General, at Anakin and then to Fives and Echo.

It was pretty obvious to Anakin that that Cody wanted to be prepared should this happen again.

Which, fair be, it could.

Humming thoughtfully, Anakin dropped his mech hand back down on Obi-Wan to continue scratching. “Well, Obi-Wan’s particular humanoids are pretty close to baseline human standards but they do have a few traits that puts them apart from the baseline, one of them is this,” He gestured at the other, Obi-Wan snoring into Anakin’s stomach. “His biochemistry reacts to most kinds of psychoactive by first making him wired up and then making him crash once its run most of its effect.” He patted Obi-Wan’s hair carefully.

Obi-Wan let out a mewling noise, stretching into the others lap.

“And Obi-Wan in particular gets incredibly cuddly once he’s crashing,” Anakin continued rubbing at the other, ignoring the wide eyes and Helix and Kix clearly taking notes. “Its because his impulse controls are gone and while on drugs, he feels like he’s floating away in the Force. Or that’s what he told me at least, so touch helps.” Anakin shrugged slightly, still working his hands over his former master’s back, neck and hair.

Flopping down on her ass, legs pulled up so she could rest her arms on her knees, Ahsoka stared at Obi-Wan for several minutes before looking at Anakin again. “So its just how his subset of humans react? Just like how togrutas from shili, whose families have never left, have somewhat larger montral than those that are raised on other planets?” She questioned curiously.

Shrugging faintly, Anakin smiled at her, relieved that the other got it. “Pretty much. Obi-Wan’s reaction is pretty standard for Stewjon humans I’ve found, I did some research on it over the years to make sure if Obi-Wan had a bad reaction, I knew what to do.” Both Helix and Kix perked up at that.

The two would clearly be talking with Anakin later on, to ensure they knew what to do too.

Just in case.

Well, the more looking out for Obi-Wan when he was like this, the merrier.

It could be a bit overwhelming but… honestly, Anakin didn’t mind it, enjoying how clingy Obi-Wan was while high.

Which was why he was enjoying sitting in the sun with his master over his lap, rubbing his robe covered body slowly and steadily.

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