Moody! Can we have a moment in Life is Music, where both Qui-gon and Dooku find Bruck and co bullying Obi-wan and go into super-protective mode.

“Just cause you got picked as a padawan doesn’t mean your hot poodoo now Oafy-Wan.” The contemptuous and angry voice drew both Jedi masters to short, Yan and Qui-Gon exchanging bewildered looks with each other.

Honestly, meeting up had been a coincident, both had been planning on surprising Obi-Wan, the latter with musical tickets for later in the night and the latter with a celebratory meal outside of the temple.

Obi-Wan had just been doing so well, Qui-Gon had wanted to celebrate the achievements of his boy and Yan had been promising musical ever since meeting Obi-Wan that first time.

It had just seemed natural to go together since they both had the same destination in mind, Obi-Wan’s last class of the day, Force arts.

If Qui-Gon wasn’t wrong, he thought they were currently in the painting time period of said lessons and would be moving on to statues in the next semester.

But that sneering, rude voice drew them both short, both muffling their presence as they slowly drew closer to the hallway and peered around the corner.

It incensed both to see Obi-Wan clearly surrounded by rather upset looking fellow classmates. One in particular looked rather angry and Qui-Gon’s eyes narrowed in remembrance.

This was the white haired one that Obi-Wan had sparred. Something Chun, if his memory wasn’t faulty.

To Qui-Gon’s pride, Obi-Wan himself looked quite calm and was simply holding onto his pad bag with his other hanging relaxed by his side, clearly keeping an eye on all three of the group that had surrounded him, yet also remaining serene about the situation. “My apprenticeship has nothing to do with you Bruck, who my master chooses is his prerogative, not mine and not yours.” He stated quietly.

Apparently reasoning with the other wasn’t the right choice, both Jedi masters feeling the pulse of anger in the Force as the white haired one took a step forward and raised his fist. “You’re not gonna last as a padawan anyhow you musical weirdo, Master Jinn is gonna drop you like a hot tuber when the shine wears off, we all know it.” He growled at Obi-Wan.

Realization hit Qui-Gon heavily.

Obi-Wan was being bullied.

Obi-Wan had made no mention of this at all and clearly from the Obi-Wan’s expression, exasperation tinged with slight anger, this was not the first time.

It brought a wholly new dynamic to the duel Qui-Gon had witnessed in the tournament.

Beside him, Qui-Gon could feel his old master seethe.

Oh, they were still fully muffled in the Force, concealing themselves, but Qui-Gon knew his old master, could read his body language as Yan went taunt and his eyes narrowed, the muscle of his jaw jumping. Yan was getting upset at what he was hearing and seeing.

Not that Qui-Gon was faring much better.

He was also saddened that Obi-Wan hadn’t told him, that he hadn’t trusted Qui-Gon to help him or take care of it. ‘But you didn’t tell Yan about your bullies, did you now… it was nothing to do with trust with you back then. Doubt it has anything to do with trust with Obi-Wan either.’ His mind piped up in a voice suspiciously like Micah’s.

That was true now that Qui-Gon thought back, being teased for his large nose, hands and feet as a child.

Back then it seemed so much like… tattling and burdening his master.

Yan had of course discovered it and dealt with it, talking with Qui-Gon during tea in a soft voice.

Seeing Obi-Wan now, the way his padawan’s face twitched, the way his shoulders slumped slightly… he thought he could understand what Yan must have felt all those years ago.

Which was why he stepped around the corner. “Is that so Initiate Chun.” He stated calmly, watching all four boys jump in shock.

Obi-Wan’s eyes grew wide when he saw Qui-Gon and Yan, the green eyes growing shiny with suppressed tears and shame as he now turned tense.

‘Oh Obi-Wan, its alright…’ Qui-Gon mused sadly, but he would have to deal with that later as he instead crossed his arms over his chest. “And how would you know my mind about my padawan?” He stated calmly.

The white haired boy stared at him, his friends quite clearly inching back since Qui-Gon’s attention was focused on Chun but froze up when Qui-Gon flickered unimpressed eyes at them.

Finally Chun started to stutter, though nothing understandable escaped him.

‘In the end, he’s just a child too…’ Qui-Gon sighed deeply in disappointment, all four teens flinching at the obvious disappointment echoing from the Jedi master. Raising one hand, Qui-Gon waved at Obi-Wan. “Padawan, come along. I came to collect you for a celebratory dinner,” He smiled tenderly at Obi-Wan, watched as his padawan made his way past his main bully with uncertainty flaring in his eyes.

That eased when Qui-Gon settled his hand on Obi-Wan’s hair, gently fluffing the short spikes. “Celebratory?” He whispered, leaning into the hand as his quiet voice sounding all over the silent, brightly hall they were in.

“Indeed,” Qui-Gon chuckled softly. “You’ve been doing so well, I wanted to do something special. So, I’m taking you out to eat at a diner I know.” He grinned at the child, watching surprise then delight spread over his face.

Yan inserted himself, coughing faintly. “I came for much the same reason,” He stated as Obi-Wan looked to him with wide eyes, delight written all over his face. “I finally secured us tickets to the Coruscant Opera house, Qui-Gon has already stated that you have permission to attend later this night with me.” And then, to Qui-Gon’s own surprise, Yan offered his glove covered hand to Obi-Wan.

The teen dithered before reaching out, accepting the hand, smiling shyly. “That… that sounds nice grandmaster.” He whispered, stepping closer to the man.

His hand falling from his padawan’s head, Qui-Gon turned his eyes over to the frozen bullies once more. “…I will be speaking with the crechemaster Initiate Chun. You may now leave.” He stated calmly, turning and instead resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, lightly pushing him to get him to walk as the boy once more froze up at the reminder of his bullies were still there.

Yan started walking too, leaving Obi-Wan little choice but to walk with, holding his grandmaster hand as he was.

Leaving behind the three bullies in the hallway as the lineage focused on moving forward.

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