What are ahsoka’s flowers like in floralskin? (Sorry if you’re someone who doesn’t like shipping ahsoka just ignore this)

Eyeing the little branch along Ahsoka’s shoulder with its pretty, small pink flowers, running his fingertip along it before sitting back on the couch, Obi-Wan gave his grandpadawan an amused smile. “Well, I’m sorry to say that I’m not quite sure which flower this is,” He stated, chuckling when both Ahsoka and Anakin deflated, the other standing behind the couch. “However,” He added, both perking up instantly. “I suspect its a Mandalorian flower.” Obi-Wan noted.

Twisting her shoulder a bit, rubbing at the flower, Ahsoka stared at it. “Mandalorian? You think so? Does that mea-”

Interrupting the girl, Obi-Wan kept his smile soft. “Its doesn’t have to mean that your soulmate is mandalorian, my first five flowers were a spread of five different planets, all in different direction in the galaxy. The flowers locations says nothing about your soulmate, but the flower themselves, speaks to the nature of your soulmate.” He noted, giving Ahsoka a tap on the nose.

Both Obi-Wan and Anakin had been surprised when Ahsoka had suddenly come barging into their quarters, an hour before dinner when she was really suppose to arrive.

The three didn’t live together, Ahsoka preferring the padawan dorms, but they still enjoyed having meals together and Anakin had promised to make a spicy dish from Tatooine, thankfully forgoing the bugs that were usually located in it.

Her sudden appearance however made a lot more sense when she showed them her first flower.

For a long while, Ahsoka had sulked about potentially not having a soulmate, all her other friends displaying their own flowers, even if Barriss kept hers covered normally.

She had shown Ahsoka hers though, apparently she had a few hidden under her clothes and even her scarf and Obi-Wan understood why that had made Ahsoka feel the way she did. Being blank had been…

Well, as a padawan, Obi-Wan had wondered, had quietly despaired and been jealous of his friends.

So he understood it.

Which was why he handed her the pad he had of soulmate flowers, smiling gently at her. “Here, you can try looking it up, start with Mandalore and then we will work from there if you don’t find anything.” He promised the girl.

Ahsoka, grasping the pad reverently, nodded and sat back on the couch, biting her lips with her fangs as she pulsed with excitement.

Anakin and Obi-Wan just exchanged amused, slightly exasperated looks.

They remembered their own emotions and finding out they had soulmates, the sensation of that first flower, of realizing they weren’t a Forgotten.

Quietly, leaving Ahsoka to her research, Obi-Wan headed to the kitchen with Anakin on his heels, sniffing lightly before nodding to the blond. “Smells good, I see you also made Tatooine flatbread.” He noted warmly.

Coloring slightly, Anakin grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I figured… well I wanted to box up the leftovers and head to the barracks later.” He murmured, his tone fond.

A date.

Well, now Obi-Wan was slightly envious, he didn’t have the time for a date most days, he would just have time to eat with his lineage and then he was expected up in the council chamber. He and Cody had been so busy since they returned from the Hardeen mission and Obi-Wan swore if they didn’t get some downtime soon, he might have to kidnap his boyfriend or at least go missing for a few days, giving Anakin a warning of course, just to get some alone time.

He didn’t voice any of that though and instead nodded with a soft chuckle, rubbing at one of the miniature flowers on his hands that he knew would disappear within the half hour.

Considering their location, he knew Cody was working out, either sparring with someone or going at a punching bag.

Stroking the flowers, Obi-Wan let out a soft hum. “That sounds like a wonderful idea Anakin. Rex will be happy to see you.” He stated softly, ignoring Anakin’s knowing look.

“You cou-”

Obi-Wan didn’t let the other finish his sentence, simply shook his head. “I have too much work to do. The Chancellor has finally granted us an insight into the last reports and released information from Naboo after the Festival of light…” Obi-Wan sighed deeply, missing Anakin’s worried little frown.

There was just so much to do

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