Moddy, I just finished MythicalRelics and omg the chills went down my spine. This was not where I thought that story was going. Woah. So good, but creepy. Really creepy. What does the High Council decide? Are they too dangerous to let out in the public? Or are they to be given the benefit of the doubt? Honestly, I kind of feel like the Jedi High Council doesn’t do well with giving the benefit of the doubt, lol.

Its not unusual to see Padawan Kenobi hurrying through the halls.

Not outright running but still more than the brisk walk many Jedi employ if they have a purpose to their walk that will lead them to a meeting of some sort.

And for all that he is a senior padawan, padawan Kenobi has a tendency to hurry hither and tither when he has a goal in mind.

And he clearly has it right now, his face focused and a bag over his shoulder that more than likely contains pads for some lessons.

He might be going to some study session, maybe he has some additional or advanced classes he decided to take on or maybe he’s the teacher for some younglings today as senior padawans that are close to their knighthood often get.

And considering the debacle on Naboo, becoming the first Sith slayer in a century, Obi-Wan Kenobi is expected to become a knight any day now, even without completing all his trials.

What has also become less unusual, is Anakin Skywalker.

And the effect that boy has on Kenobi.

“Obi-Wan!” The blond calls out, excited and joyful, his eyes too knowing with too many teeth in his smile, his voice echoing in the halls even without the boy shouting.

The effect is instant, Kenobi skids to a stop, as if frozen, seemingly unable to reject the call as he instead takes a deep breath and then slowly turns, staying in place with a haggered look as the young padawan bounces towards him.

Only to be stopped by a dark hand coming to rest, taming the excited energy that is padawan Skywalker.

Walking at a more sedate pace with Master Windu’s hand on his shoulder, Skywalker still smiles too widely up at Kenobi, the redhead smiling a tad back before bowing slightly.

But to whom, now that is a good question.

“Padawan Kenobi, apologies,” Master Windu murmured, his hand still settled on Skywalker’s shoulder, a chagrined look crossing the boy’s face. “Do you have time for a small chat?” The master of the order questioned, a brow raised with his question.

Seemingly relaxing, his smile spreading a bit more, Kenobi nods. “Of course master Windu, does this require privacy or…” He trailed off, brows raised expectantly.

Shaking his head, his free hand raising in a dismissive motion, Windu spared a thin lipped smile at Kenobi. “No, here is fine. I was wondering if you had time for some private tutoring for Anakin?” He glanced down, his smile growing slightly as the boy grinned up at him while leaning back into the touch on his shoulder. “His powers seem to be growing and I am… woefully uncertain how to handle them I have to admit. You have a handle on your own, could you lend your guidance and council?” Windu went back to peering at Kenobi.

Ah, and here was the other thing that had become common.

The fact that Kenobi and Skywalker were more.

Half-breeds as they called themselves, parents that were… gods.

Though how much people believed in it, that varied.

Some thought that perhaps the parents were avatars of the Force in some way, but gods and goddesses?


Yet it seemed the council, in their infinite wisdom, had accepted some form of that as truth.

What everyone could be certain of, was that Kenobi and Skywalker were peculiar, different.

Many a master remembered a redheaded boy with too many teeth in his smile after all, not too different from Skywalker even if Skywalker was even more unsettling somehow.

Pausing a bit, clearly thoughtful, Kenobi nodded. “I have a period on mondays in the early evening that I don’t use for anything, if that is acceptable, we can set up something then?” He stated, his hands fiddling with the strap of his bag.

Pausing, clearly thinking, Windu slowly nodded. “That would be acceptable. Unless I’m in a meeting I should be available then and Anakin at least should be. I don’t need to be present at every lesson.” He stated thoughtfully, keeping his hand on Anakin’s shoulder as the boy bounced a bit with excess energy.

Nodding, Kenobi looked a lot more relaxed now, either because he knew why or because Skywalker was keeping his powers to himself.

“Is that acceptable to you Anakin?” Windu glanced down at his padawan, stubby braid swinging slightly as it stuck straight out as he looked up at his master. “You would loose out on one of your free periods.” He warned quietly.

“But I get to see Obi-Wan?” The blond questioned, grinning widely when Windu nodded. “Wizard!” He bounced forward, out of his master’s grip, not that Windu was holding on all that tightly, hugging Kenobi around the waist.

Snorting faintly, Kenobi patted the boy on the head, both amused and resigned looking as he shot Windu a look.

The master of the order just smirked.

There were a lot of things the Jedi order had gotten used to lately and would continue to have to get used to.

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