Can we see more of AWOL!Jedi, please? :) It’s my favorite story of yours! Maybe Anakin arriving and being greeted by Obi-Wan and the others? (I need comfort in this story. D:) I’d be happy with any sort of continuation! (Btw, since Anidala has broken up (kinda, will soon probably) and I feel like you hinted a lot at Rex missing Anakin (and Ahsoka), is it possible to bring in some RexAni?)

The trip takes a good week.

Anakin doesn’t… quite mind.

Travel is just like that and he can’t really make the ship go any faster or suggest any alternative routes due to not knowing where they are going. And they do make a side trip that delights him as they pick up a very familiar togruta.

Sitting down to catch up with her, a baby in each lap, is the highlight of the week and the rest of the travel isn’t as bad as Anakin gets to spar with his former padawan and Ahsoka gets to coo over Luke and Leia.

By the time they land at wherever they are going, Ahsoka has firmly bonded with the kids and are now Auntie Ahsoka.

Their badass auntie as she says, grinning with the light flashing of her fangs.

Both are in the cockpit with the pilot, Leia and Luke babbling to each other in the hovercarriage and their bags settled in the seats of the cockpit, as they come in for landing, everything lush and green as they approach the buildings that show signs of how new they are.

They had already been given a landing berth, a trooper giving them directions before shutting down as the pilot took the scenic route for them to see the capitol of Vercopa.

There were a lot of buildings, the stirrings of a proper city in the making clearly seen.

But in the middle of everything is clearly a Jedi temple.

Brand new, built with duracrete and plaster as they build ever upwards but clearly designed to look like a smaller Coruscant temple with five towers, one suited in the middle and ranging higher than almost everything else.

“I didn’t think they’d get this far in this short of a time span.” Ahsoka marveled, blinking.

“Millions of clones, all of them hardworking people as we well know…” Anakin mused. “Mixed with the surviving Jedi using their abilities and I guess that all speeds it up.” He noted.

He hadn’t missed the sights of what were clearly farms further from what was the capitol with the Jedi temple.

They looked quite fertile but clearly closed in by forest.

If Anakin was to take a guess, the Jedi were trying not to cut down too much to preserve the nature around it. ‘I wonder if they’ll do a garden here in the temple too or stick with what they have in the wild…’ Anakin mused quietly to himself, a part of him missing the massive gardens with all its flora and fauna.

The ship landed with a small thump on the landing pad, a trooper waving them in before giving a bright wave.

It suddenly occurred Anakin that what remained of the 501st would be here and his breath hitched.

“Skyguy?” A gentle hand resting on his forearm broke him out of the swift panic he had and he swallowed heavily, shifting to look at his former padawan. “You okay?” She questioned with a small frown.

“…Rex and the others might be here.” He whispered and understanding and some panic flashed in her eyes.

It had been so long since either of them had seen their troopers and the prospect of seeing them now…

Squaring her shoulders, Ahsoka let out a deep breath. “One hurdle at a time Anakin. Master Obi-Wan first.” She stated, the two moving to grab their things and the kids.

Excited, Luke cooed up at them and then stuck his hand in his mouth with Leia clearly wanting to one up her brother and stuffing her foot, as much as she could, into her own mouth.

The sight of Luke with his hand in his mouth and Leia trying to eat her own foot broke Anakin’s panic, snorting slightly as they made their way to the ramp the pilot was announcing he was lowering.

Fresh, unrecycled, natural air flushed in and the babies both sat up in surprise, making hiccuping noises as the sun shone in and then down on them, natural light after a week on a ship and being used to Curscant. It was an utterly new world for the twins and they were curious.

Anakin however paused as he saw an all too familiar shape standing on the landing pad, not far from the ramp with a trooper in yellow and white beside him.

Anakin didn’t think.

He dropped the handles of the carrier, the hovercarrier coming to a natural halt as Anakin ran down the ramp in the exact time Obi-Wan lurched forward from his own space.

No hesitation, only need as they crashed together, meeting in the middle at the end of the ramp with arms wrapping tightly around each other.

Anakin knew he must be lifting Obi-Wan off the ground but the other made no complaint, only held on tightly.

He could hear Obi-Wan’s breath hitching, as if he was fighting tears and realized he was already crying as he buried his face in Obi-Wan’s shoulder, the familiar smell of tea, detergent and Obi-Wan hitting him.

Hiccuping hard, Anakin tightened his hug into something he knew must be uncomfortable and yet being unable to ease it. “I-I’m home Obi-Wan.” He choked out.

Fingers threaded through his curls as their Force bond came alive with closeness. “Welcome home, Anakin,” Obi-Wan choked out in return, the two sinking onto their knees together at the end of a ramp in the middle of the Jedi’s new home. “Welcome home dear one.”

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