Does Dooku meet Obi in Music is Life? If so, how does he react to Obi’s interesting use of the Force?

Watching his former padawan and his grandpadawan enter, Yan leaned his elbows on the balcony rail while steepling his hands together.

Normally, Yan Dooku wasn’t in the temple, he honestly preferred to be far from it and the corruption of the Senate if he was honest. But Yoda had informed him that his padawan had taken a padawan.

He couldn’t help but feel a bit… hurt.

That Qui-Gon hadn’t informed him.

Yet at the same time he wasn’t surprised. Qui-Gon had not been in the best of mental spaces since the fall of Xanatos.

And that was why Yan was back in the temple, ensuring via Yoda that he’d be there at the same time as his young padawan. Because he wanted to see this boy, to learn about the grandpadawan of his lineage.

And the things he had overheard…

Some of the things he had overheard just sounded to fantastical, too wondrous even for the Force.

Not that the Force couldn’t but the idea of a single young padawan finding this technique so young without anyone learning about what they were doing until a tournament…

That was what was boggling Yan’s mind.

So that was why he had not informed Qui-Gon that he was back, he wanted to observe first.

Wanted to see this boy that had amazed Qui-Gon enough to overcome the walls of his heart and let him in.

And he wanted to know that Qui-Gon was treating this boy well, that Obi-Wan safe and happy with his master.

Yan loved his former padawan, of that he had no doubt even if he wasn’t the best at telling him that, but he also knew the flaws of Qui-Gon’s character. His reaction after Du Crion was the proof of how deeply hurt he had been and the flaws of Qui-Gon’s soft heart.

‘Wounded so deeply I fear he’ll inflict it on someone he is suppose to tend to…’ Yan had thought as he looked up almost obsessively if Qui-Gon had booked any time in any of the public sparring halls and not the private ones.

Finally, after about a week once they returned from their mission, Qui-Gon had indeed booked a mat, ensuring they would have space to train.

Almost, as if to confirm the absurd rumors going about from the get go, young Kenobi had a violin over his back along, a small smile on his face and a bandage on his left cheek.

Curious but not shocking.

Padawans could have training accidents and Qui-Gon was a tactile teacher.

And whatever was under the bandage was clearly taken care of, seeing the bright blue color of it and the yellow stars all over the bandage, it was Qui-Gon who had done it. The man had a fondness for rather immature bandages with patterns and colors.

Reluctantly, Yan’s lips twitched a bit with amusement, a little confirmation of Qui-Gon’s caring clearly in view as the two took to the mat, the yavines man gesturing for Obi-Wan to take position with a wry little smile on his lips that made Yan’s own smile grow in fondness.

The smile was utterly wiped as he straightened in shock with his hands coming to clench on the rail instead, Obi-Wan music filling the hall in a haunting lilting tunes.

The hairs on the back of Yan’s neck rose and he could feel goosebumps breaking out on his skin.

Sith hells, he could even feel his own chest hair rise to the occasion due to how the music was soaking into his very bones.

He had to remind himself to breath as the boy continued working through the music with his eyes closed and even without the Force in it, the tunes would have been breath taking as Yan had always adored the violins tunes.

It was a refined instrument.

But what was even more breathtaking was the sight of a blue, sheer bubble wrapping around the boy, Qui-Gon striking at the blue barrier with his lightsaber.

It didn’t penetrate.

Young Kenobi had created a shield out of the Force and an instrument and Yan couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh, both delighted and envious.

‘What an addition to our lineage, oh Qui-Gon, your boy is brilliant…’ He couldn’t help but marvel as he fumbled for his comm link without taking his eyes of the pair, Qui-Gon still testing the barrier as Yan tried to send of a message to invite the two for dinner.

It was time to meet his grandpadawan.

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