Thesnailsarefree- Obi-Wan was nervous to tell Anakin that he had referred him for his trials. He was concerned that the younger man would take it the wrong way. That Obi-Wan was trying to get rid of him. However, Obi-Wan, if anything was trying to make sure they were on a more equal level. At this point they had more to teach each other as friends and more than as master and padawan.

Chopping up the carrot, Obi-Wan glanced at his padawan as Anakin was in charge of frying the outside the chicken breast for their dinner.

The two had decided on a Tatooine inspired dish. Inspired because they didn’t have all the root vegetables that Tatooine naturally grew underground and so they had replaced the normal vegetables with carrot, parsnip and onion that the chickens would be roasted on once Obi-Wan had all of it chopped up and onto the baking tray.

When he had suggested Anakin for his trials to the council, he had been certain of his decision but standing here, almost side by side with his padawan with just enough space that they could both work comfortably, he was a tiny bit less sure.

Not about Anakin’s skills or his ability to complete the trials.

But more about how Anakin would take the news.

If there was one thing Obi-Wan knew for sure was that Anakin didn’t handle separating well and Anakin might take the suggestion of starting his trials the wrong way. That it was Obi-Wan trying to get rid of his more than ready to start his trials padawan.

But honestly, that was the last thing on Obi-Wan’s mind.

He just wanted to… level the playing field, because he and Anakin felt more like equals most days and Obi-Wan doubted there was much he could teach the other that wasn’t part of learning from life.

Some experiences only came from life after all.

And he wanted to be equal with his padawan, to be able to call Anakin knight and brother at arms in the order and not have power over the other in such an obvious manner as an apprentice bond was.

“Master?” The softly murmured word had him looking up, pausing to blink at Anakin as the man pulled the chicken off the heat, clearly done lightly doing each side as they were a nice, dark brown. “Is everything alright? You went pretty quiet.” Anakin questioned quietly, narrowing his blue eyes at him with concern.

Licking his lips, Obi-Wan lifted the sliced up carrot onto the baking tray with the parsnip and pulled over the onion to get started on it. “I’m fine Anakin, I’m just thinking.” He murmured, giving the other a small smile before focusing on the onion.

He got a small hum in response, Anakin leaning slightly against the stove with his hip. “…Is something bothering you?” He finally asked, crossing his arms lightly over his chest.

Pausing, Obi-Wan stared at the onion before picking up his knife again and getting to work on cutting and cleaning away the parts they couldn’t eat. “Not so much bothering as… Anakin, how do you feel about your trials?” He glanced at the other and then focused back on his onion.

He could feel his padawan’s surprise, the other pausing before letting out a small noise. “I guess I haven’t really thought about it much.” The blond stated slowly, watching Obi-Wan chop up the onion and chuckling slightly when Obi-Wan’s eyes started to run with moisture as normally.

Chucking the rest of the onion and quickly mixing in with oil and the prepared spices, Obi-Wan let out a small hum. “And if you think about it?” He quizzed, trying to make his tone light.

Lifting the chicken onto the vegetables and then popping the baking tray into the oven, Anakin huffed slightly as Obi-Wan brought the knife and cutting board to their dishwasher, loading it in as Anakin mulled on the question.

‘He’s taking his time on it, good, it’s a serious question.’ Obi-Wan mused to himself even as his nerves mounted, the master opting to set the table while Anakin thought it over.

He needed something to do or his anxieties would get the better of him.

It had always been one of his failings that Qui-Gon had tried to work on, the two meditating together or Qui-Gon finding alternatives.

But it was a lot more acceptable for a padawan to be running around with a rubber band to snap than it was a master.

‘Maybe I can get myself a bracelet to play with?’ He mused to himself as he eyed the content of the dishwasher. He could still get their plates and the baking tray in once they had eaten so once that was don-

“I don’t think I’d mind starting my trials,” Anakin’s voice cut through his musings, Obi-Wan’s head snapping to the man to stare at him, eyes wide with all three focused on him. “Do you… think I’m ready?” Anakin questioned, looking both excited but also nervous, his hands twisting together.

Lips twitching, Obi-Wan nodded slowly. “I do. I have for a long time. You’re strong Anakin and while there is much to learn, that is things you learn by experience,” Obi-Wan murmured softly, stepping closer to his padawan, reaching up and resting a hand on the others shoulder. “And there are several trials to go through… which is why I’ve recommended you for your trials Anakin.” He smiled softly.

Anakin’s eyes widened in surprise before softening, the blond shifting nervously before leaning in until the two were resting their foreheads together, Obi-Wan’s middle eye closed at the proximity. “…Thank you master.” He whispered and Obi-Wan, unable to think of how to respond, simply squeezed the others shoulder.

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