I love nostringscanholdme! What’s going on with Cody? Is he curious about why Vader transferred him? Does he know he’s being used as bait, and prepared to capture Obi-Wan if he comes for him? How did Vader change the chips’ programming to stop them from killing Obi-Wan in the first place?

Standing at attention, watching Vader pace on the bridge and occasionally pausing to seemingly stare out into the sky, Cody let his mind wander slightly.

When the order had come through that he was being transferred from the 212th on Kamino to Vader’s own Fist, Cody had been excited at the honor of being the left hand of Lord Vader himself.

He had been reduced to working on Kamino after the end of the clone wars with the CIS and the clean up of the Jedi, training new vode, and while that was rewarding, Cody wasn’t a teacher.

He had been raised to fight and he had been exited to join Lord Vader himself, already aware of the man’s reputation from before the war and then later on, the man fighting on the front line with the troopers.

Cody had been so optimistic.

Or that had been his initial emotions.

After about a month of watching the man’s utter ruthlessness in battle, using Cody’s own vode as shields at time and throwing them around without thoughts, Cody no longer could consider it an honor and worked more to keep his brothers as safe as possible from the menace in black.

Especially the less experienced ones.

He half expected to be on the receiving end of one of these deadly assault, particularly the snapping of his neck, when he interfered.

And yet, regardless of how clearly enraged the yellow eyed man became as he glowered at Cody, he never went as far as killing him

Choking him with the Force, yes, killing him, no.

And Cody could not for the life of him understand why.

There were other commanders able to take over for him, which meant that there was a reason for why Vader had transferred him, outside of Cody’s skills.

So he couldn’t make sense of why he kept surviving when other vod did not.

‘What’s different about me…’ Cody let his eyes slide to the blond haired man glaring out into the sky before he resumed pacing. ‘What are you thinking Lord Vader…’ Cody narrowed his eyes faintly, safe in his own mind that the Sith could not hear his mind.

He had been taught how to shield his mind just in case by…

A spike of pain throbbed through Cody’s brain and he clenched his teeth together to avoid hissing, not wanting the attention of the clearly enraged man on him.

‘The Doll…’ Cody took a breath through his nose. ‘Is it really that simple? Could it really be the Doll?’ Cody let his mind space, not daring to think of the name or the former title of the man as every time he did, his mind echoed with pain.

And the faint stirrings of a memory.

Of Rex and whispered words and the name Fives.

Glancing at the Sith once more, Cody stiffened to attention as yellow eyes landed squarely on him.

He would have to take care of those memories later.


Spooning Obi-Wan, one arm tucked around the former Jedi and his other settled under his own head, Rex let out a small sigh into the others neck.

Obi-Wan just pressed back into him, fingers slowly caressing the back of Rex hand as the captain rested it on Obi-Wan’s stomach.

Since Obi-Wan calmed down they had finally managed to settle down, curled up on Rex bunk together as Rex wrapped himself protectively around his redhead. He had removed the nerftail tie, the long length resting down Obi-Wan’s back on the bed, smelling faintly of fruits from the soap they had picked up.

He knew from Kix that sleeping on a hair tie was not a comfortable experience and had opted to remove it as they curled down together.

Because he had known from the moment Obi-Wan started to calm down that they wouldn’t be leaving the room any time soon, the clear exhaustion and outright depression visible on Obi-Wan’s face telling Rex that Obi-Wan just needed time.

And Rex had water bottles in his room, so while they preferred to have Obi-Wan eat full meals, they were also accepting of him eating snacks and drinking water. “…We’re going to have to talk about your actions you know.” Rex whispered tiredly into the others neck.

Squeezing Rex hand, Obi-Wan let out a small noise. “I know… but please can we wait until I’ve slept? I really just…” He sighed deeply and Rex felt his heart constrict with pain.

He knew that Obi-Wan still struggled quite a bit with the after effects of the Sith drug Vader had kept him on and to see the former proud General reduced to blankness hurt.

But even worse was to see him like this, emotionally unstable and uncertain as he clung to the minor comforts Rex could give him.

Instead of verbalizing all that, Rex simply nodded and nuzzled his nose into the back of his Jedi’s neck. “…If there comes a chance Obi-Wan… we’ll save him. I promise. But right now…” Rex trailed off, wincing as Obi-Wan’s breath hitched before it came out as a soft keen.

There was nothing to do for that and so they simply laid in bed, Obi-Wan watching the wall and Rex watching the back of Obi-Wan’s neck, both consumed in their thoughts.

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