Ok ok ok you can’t just drop that bomb like that, i need to know when obi wan cried with rage and why he doesn’t remember (yeah thats a prompt and yeah i’m the same anon from before) and this is appart, if Obi Wan were a Sith he would cry red crystals? And thank you for answering me, muy inglish isnt very good si thank you

Walking by his master’s side, Anakin eyed the other from the corner of his eye.

The other looked relaxed, as if being in the Rotunda was a daily thing for him, not letting on the uncomfortableness he was really feeling.

Anakin could feel it though, the sensation in their bond feeding back to him along with Obi-Wan’s annoyance as they sometimes stopped to speak with certain senators that intercepted them.

‘It’s a good thing Senator Organa is willing to be our cover, Zigoola must have been one hell of a mission to give even a null that much understanding of Sith.’ Anakin mused as he put on a bored expression, glancing around the hall as Obi-Wan spoke to Senator… Diruva?

Ugh, Anakin couldn’t keep the names right honestly, which was why Obi-Wan was speaking and Anakin was scanning, looking for clues, for hints to the Sith.

Scanning for evidence both physical and in the Force.

And trying to avoid recognizing areas he had meet up with Padme in.

The kisses in dark alcoves and corners, drapes hiding them away from the world.

Glancing about, Anakin paused as he took in the sight of a tapestry, red gems for eyes of a large shadowy creature with wings.

The eyes…

They reminded him of Obi-Wan, a long time ago.

Glancing at the other, taking in the calm expression despite the tension around Obi-Wan’s eyes, Anakin let his mind trail back in time to Naboo over a decade ago, to when he had just landed after blowing up the trade federation ship.

He had run off, wanting to find the two Jedi, a stone in his stomach despite his glee at winning the battle for the Naboo in space.

And he had found them, following his instincts, the Force, to them.

He had found Obi-Wan, with the body of Qui-Gon Jinn held in his arms.

His master had looked so lost back then though he had snapped to attention when Anakin had, hesitantly, called out to him.

On the floor, two red kybers had been laying, screaming with pain.

At the time he had not known what they were, had just awkwardly skirted around them and even after learning about Obi-Wan’s tears, it had taken him a long time to learn what they were.

Red kybers.

It was the only time Anakin had seen or even heard about the other crying red.

When he had, haltingly, asked Obi-Wan if he could cry red, Obi-Wan had blinked at him over a cup of tea and then smiled awkwardly before answering that he didn’t think so.

Obi-Wan didn’t remember it.

Obi-Wan didn’t remember a lot of his battle with Maul apparently.

Anakin had asked a healer about that later on, once he learned that Obi-Wan had so little memory of the actual event, worried and anxious about overstepping his bounds even as he needed reassurance.

She had quietly informed him that due to the trauma of not only having his master die in front of him but combined with the bond snapping, Obi-Wan had more than likely repressed much of the memory for his own sanity sake.

He had forgotten for his own health.

And so had the kyber.

Thankfully, Obi-Wan had never cried red kyber after that, regardless how emotional he got.

Anakin had a feeling that red kyber was… different.


He had therefore never mentioned to anyone what he had seen, even before he knew what it was, he had instinctively known to keep it to himself.

Finally, Obi-Wan got done with the Senator, the two Jedi moving forward only to stop as all to familiar voice called out to Anakin as they were about to pass a large brontos statue.

“Knight Skywalker!”

Turning sharply, both Anakin and Obi-Wan looked down the hall as Padme Amidala with her handmaidens and her security captain came towards them, the woman looking determined even as her eyes flickered to Obi-Wan beside Anakin.

He could see her jaw tighten, the muscle in it jump before she forced a smile on and inclined her head to both. “And Master Kenobi, it is a surprise to see you both.” She stated lightly.

‘How odd, I never noticed how good she was at putting on masks…’ Anakin mused even as he bowed slightly with his master, cold sweat gathering on the back of his neck.

“Senator Amidala, it is a pleasure to see you,” Obi-Wan responded warmly, even as Anakin felt him warily check on Anakin through their bond, assurance and comfort coming from the redhead. “Senator Organa wished to speak with me and Anakin came with me for support.” He finished with a dramatic flourish, indicating how Obi-Wan never left the temple anymore without escort.

Padme smiled, her red painted lips curving. They were pretty, Anakin wanted to kiss them even as he wished she would go away. “I see, I was hoping to have a word with Knight Skywalker in private if you wouldn’t mind? Seeing as you are to meet with Senator Organa, or is he required for the meeting too?” Padme looked between them, gaze turning calculating.

The two Jedi quickly exchanged looks, a flurry of thoughts and emotions exchanged.

They couldn’t jeopardize their search.

But at the same time Anakin did not wish to separate from Obi-Wan, what if he found something.

But Padme would sure to suspect something considering Anakin did his best to avoid practically all politicians except for her and the Chancellor.

Anakin could maintain distance with their awkward relationship of course but…

“Of course not, I’d be glad to speak with you Senator Amidala.” Anakin finally responded, resignation filling him even as Obi-Wan smiled politely and clapped Anakin on the shoulder, excusing himself.

As he watched his master leave, Anakin couldn’t help but have a bad feeling, but if that was because of the coming conversation or something else, he did not know.

He hoped, as painful as it would be, that it was the conversation that was pinging his senses.

‘Stay safe master…’ Anakin sent along their bond, following Padme with an air of resignation around him.

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