Oh my god I was so pleased to see an update to Lightthroughcracks, because I also have been looking through your archive and it was one of my favorites! Can we please see more of that?

The smell of dorin gas and tea was rather soothing Obi-Wan had to admit, as was the darkness with his face in Plo’s neck.

Now, dorin gas was kinda poisonus to humans but Obi-Wan couldn’t directly find it in himself to care at this moment as Plo’s steady gait swayed him, the council master taking him… somewhere. Obi-Wan wasn’t quite sure where, not willing to lift his head.

He was just so exhausted and the rocking gait was lulling him even more.

It wasn’t directly sending him to sleep but it was making him drowsy for sure.

He could hear people, quiet voices, the scant sound of whispers.


Obi-Wan still couldn’t find it in himself to care.

And then he heard Master Che, alerting him to the fact that he was in the Halls of Healing.

Okay, now he cared.

He let out a low noise, shifting but Plo only quietly shushed him, adjusting his hold on Obi-Wan as he continued walking. “It is alright Obi-Wan, trust me.” The council master murmured quietly, his warm voice steady and soothing.

“I don’t like the Halls.” Obi-Wan choked out into the others robe.

“I know,” Plo chuckled faintly. “Unfortunately, you need it. Trust me.” He repeated.

Reluctantly stilling, the block between himself and Anakin reminding him that they wouldn’t give his padawan back until this was resolved, Obi-Wan dredged up a silver of resentment.

But mostly he just felt ashamed.

Ashamed for being weak, ashamed for leaning on Anakin and more than likely harming the boy.

Force, what if he had done proper damage to him for life?

Obi-Wan stifled a hiccup into Plo’s chest, too tired to really cry again as his eyes burned.

Plo pauses for a moment, there is a murmur of voices but Obi-Wan can’t get himself to focus on them beyond the fact that one is feminine and the other male.

The voices stop and then Plo moves again, his gait still steady and calm, the sound of a door opening and the smell of sterility giving way to… incense?

The scent was slightly sweet, alerting Obi-Wan to the fact as it managed to press its way through Plo’s scent.

Before he could puzzle it out however, he was set down and Obi-Wan let out a tired, questioning sound before huffing in surprise as he was carefully encouraging him to let go.

The room was surprisingly dark was the thing Obi-Wan noted, the room mimicking wood like walls and floor, as Plo slowly, steadily pressed him back and down until Obi-Wan rested on his back on a soft surface, a pillow behind his head.

A bed Obi-Wan’s mind supplied as he took in the almost candle like light of the rooms.

Plo gently stroked his temple, smiling at him before raising his head. “Now then, Healer Turma, if you please?” The kel dor murmured, a human with dark hair and slanted eyes stepping into Obi-Wan’s side, the man smiling emphatically at Obi-Wan.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan tense, having someone seen him like this, regardless of the entire council already had, made him feel ill.

The man didn’t seem to notice though, only bowed his head. “Greetings Knight Kenobi, I am going to give you an examination on the councils request. Please try to remain relaxed.” The unfamiliar man stated.

It left Obi-Wan tensing up, though the healer didn’t call him out on it as he instead just reached out and rested his hand on Obi-Wan’s temple, slipping past Obi-Wan’s shoddy shields now that he could no longer lean on Anakin.

His hand was warm, his hand smelled of hand lotion, a flower Obi-Wan was faintly familiar with as Qui-Gon used to grow them in their quarters.

The thought of his master send a spike of pain through Obi-Wan.

The man went from smiling to frowning fast, Obi-Wan wincing as he felt the probing touch and he almost pulled away when Healer Turma finally reached the fading master and apprentice bond.

He would have if Plo hadn’t taken that moment to grasp his hand, his clawed thumb stroking over Obi-Wan’s knuckles in a soothing motion.

If Obi-Wan had bothered to look around or stretch his Force senses, he would have noticed that Master Mace, Adi and Yoda were in the room too, due to the severity of Obi-Wan’s decline and his expertly managing to hide it.

“Oh dear,” Turma murmured, his frown growing even darker before he caught Obi-Wan’s eyes. “I don’t know how you’ve managed to keep yourself this stable Knight Kenobi, but your head is day six of a nine days hurricane. Any longer and permanent damage would have been in your future.” He stated worriedly.

Beyond exhausted, Obi-Wan just blinked slowly at the man.

A smile lit up on Turma’s face. “However, there is help here for those who seek it. We can help you Knight Kenobi.” He stated quietly.

Obi-Wan just closed his eyes, wishing the day was over.

Could it please be over?

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