I know it’s your favorite, so how about some QuiObi Moddy? maybe some Obi being naughty or something?

Now, you could be forgiven for thinking that Obi-Wan was a proper
padawan in all manners, being a detached and serene Jedi.

would be utterly wrong of course but so was life, many people wore
masks and with time Obi-Wan had become quite the actor he had not
been as a preteen in front of many a master that thought him

To be
fair, not all of Obi-Wan’s serenity was feigned but he had his

honestly, some of his masks was developed because his master was the
most rule breaking Jedi the order had seen in a long time and as a
response, Obi-Wan had gone in utterly the opposite direction.


could often be seen biting back comments or laughs when someone
stated as much, since Qui-Gon was quite aware of the off colored
jokes and surprisingly un-Jedi like choices Obi-Wan sometimes made.

Not to
mention that he often called Obi-Wan for his Imp for a very good

So it
was no shock that Obi-Wan would develop the most inappropriate of
crushes too, that he certainly did not mention to anyone even if
Quinlan figured it out.

bastard had spent a good ten minutes laughing and then patted him
consolingly on the back as Obi-Wan sulked at him.

that did not change that Obi-Wan curled up on his bed and cuddled his
master’s robe to his face, the scent of the others body and soaps
in his nose. He just couldn’t help it, Qui-Gon smelled so kriffing
good, better than any dishes Obi-Wan had gotten at the most luxurious
of banquets held by nobles or senators and more enticing than the
perfumes of the highest opulence.

there would never be anything more enticing than his master’s scent
and so Obi-Wan had… borrowed, his master’s robe for a small
duration, curling up in bed in only his shorts to nuzzle the rough
fabric against his face and skin.

smelled of sweet herb, the kind Qui-Gon denied he smoked in pipes and
of sapir and the musky smell of his soaps.

other had gone uniform in his body wash, shampoo and conditioner so
there wasn’t contradictory scents and mixed with the two potent
items as the tea and the tobacco, it made it into a unique scent.

is karking herb a good scent? What kind of fancy ass herb are you
smoking when I’m not looking master?’ Obi-Wan whined into the
fabric, nuzzling into the area where robe and hood meet, where the
scent was thickets along with the smell of body sweat.


his eyes shut, Obi-Wan drew the robe around himself, treating it like
a blanket as he surrounded himself with his master’s scent.

could almost feel the phantom sensation of his master’s hands on
his body with the smell around him.

phantom sensation of hands wrapping around his waist and holding him
still and he shivered heavily on his bed.

up on his own bed in the dark, his fantasy swirling around in his
head with the scent of his master in his nose, Obi-Wan missed the
sound of the quarters front door opening and the sounds of boots
being dropped.

No, he
was far into his thoughts and nuzzling at the robe, biting at his
bottom lip only to squeak and sit up hurriedly in shock, the robe
falling around his waist as he sat blinking in the light with his
bedroom door open.

stood framed in the light, blinking back at him before a slow,
predatory smile crossed his leonine face. “Well… now I know where
my robes have been disappearing to.” He murmured, his voice a deep,
purr like noise that sent shivers through Obi-Wan’s body,
goosebumps breaking out on naturally pale skin.

thick, Obi-Wan bit his lip hard as Qui-Gon stepped through the door
and into his bedroom, blue eyes focused unnervingly on him.

Obi-Wan would have it no other way as his master prowled towards him.

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