Can we get Obi and Cody interacting in baby faced? Maybe Obi being able to cling to him physically would let him take some of the stress off the bond?

Waking slowly, Cody felt heavy limbs pulling him down, making him
almost fall asleep again.

And it
would be so nice to just fall asleep, get a few more hours.

head still faintly ached from what he thought was a feedback loop but
it wasn’t as bad, he just felt heavy and warm now but…

wasn’t quite right.

outright wrong either, not enough to alarm him and wake him up fully
with adrenaline but enough for Cody’s mind to pause and notice
something was different.

he forced his eyes open, blinking at the medbay ceiling.

then he froze.

while this was a medbay ceiling, it was not the Negotiator’s medbay

because Cody wasn’t heavy just from sleep.

because he currently had a Jedi squashed up against his side, Obi-Wan
curled into him with his head resting on Cody’s chest.

down at the other, Cody tried to figure out how the kark that had
happened because Cody’s last memory was of Helix’s coming over
with a hypospray in hand.

So how
had Cody ended up on what must be the Resolute in the same bed as

I’m in the same bed!’ Cody’s eyes widened, tensing up in shock
before forcing himself to ease up so not to wake up Obi-Wan, pulling
his hands away from the Jedi and placing them flat on the bed instead
so he wasn’t touching the other.

this still wasn’t good!

Cody’s mind was spiraling with panic, a throat cleared itself close
to him and he turned his head quickly to find Skywalker sitting at
the bedside, his brow raised and a slight smile on his face. “Morning
sleeping beauty,” He murmured before frowning slightly at Cody’s
clear panic, “Hey, you should calm down Cody, you’re alright.”
He stated quietly but sternly, clearly trying not to wake anyone but
also calm down the commander.

back down at Obi-Wand then to Skywalker, Cody opened his mouth then
closed it again, uncertain what to do.

he just sent the Jedi a pleading look.

got Skywalker to sigh, rubbing the back of his neck before he smiled
softly at Cody. “You had a seizure.” He stated quietly.

that explains nothing.’ Cody thought a bit hysterically, staring at
the man.

his chair a bit closer to Cody, the commander finally noticing the
privacy walls around the bed had been pulled around and therefore he
was not able to see the rest of the medbay. “The feedback loop
Obi-Wan was creating, you weren’t able to handle it.” The General
explained, resting his elbows on the bed while focusing on Cody.

Cody glanced down at Obi-Wan once more, staring at him before
touching his own head.

He did
remember the headache but…

had a seizure?” He rasped, licking his dry lips at how much it hurt
his throat.

by the action, Skywalker shifted and reached to the nightstand,
pulling a mug of water from it along with a cup that he filled.

he also placed a bent straw into it, making it so Cody wouldn’t
have to sit up and instead could just set it to Cody’s lips.

greedily, Cody listened as the General talked.

the loop caused you to have a siezure, a Jedi or a trained Force
sensitive would have handled it better but you aren’t trained that
far ahead yet,” Skywalker explained quietly. “When you went into
seizure, Helix contacted us and had you rushed over. You need to be
close to Obi-Wan for a few more hours to get the bond to settle and
now that you’re awake, both me and Obi-Wan can train you to put up
shields against the feedback loop.” He explained quietly.

at his own General for a long minute as the blond sat back with the
water, Cody breathed out heavily and looked to Skywalker once more.
“Why did… did I go into seizure now?” He questioned quietly.

distance put more strain on the bond and therefore more strain on
your brain,” The blond rubbed at his scruffy jaw, clearly not
having shaved in a while. “Without Obi-Wan in vicinity, it hit you
hard since you’re not trained to develop shields. We didn’t focus
on that, we focused on using and finding Obi-Wan.”

to wrap his mind around the delicacy of the Force just gave Cody a

Skywalker noticed that because he set the water on the nightstand
again and reached out, clapping Cody on the shoulder carefully. “Go
back to sleep. I’ll keep sitting on guard and keep an eye on
things.” He stated calmly, looking no more tired than normal.

told Cody that he hadn’t slept in a while though but frankly, his
head wasn’t in the best of states and he ended up just nodding and
after a moment of hesitation, wrapped his arms cautiously around
Obi-Wan, glancing quickly at Skywalker.

however didn’t look angry, instead just settled back on his chair
and picked up a pad he must have been reading from before.

still but too tired and headachy to really ask more questions, Cody
closed his eyes.

get more answers tomorrow.

get to be with Obi-Wan… tomorrow.

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