For Candleinthedark, I’m really curious how introducing Obi-wan to the clone troopers will go. I can see it going really well or really badly depending on how traumatized he still is about his own troops firing on him. On the other hand, I don’t think Obi-wan could help but love the men dearly. And the clone troopers wouldn’t know how to deal with a softer version of their own generals. I imagine the troopers may not want to give him back. đŸ˜†

Glancing around bemusedly as he let Anakin help him out of the
skycar, Obi-Wan peered uncertainly up at the Sith. “What are we
doing here? Isn’t this the outskirts of the plains of Coruscant?”
He questioned, trying to eye the buildings.

It did
certainly look like the plains of Coruscant district, the flat
skyscrapers and durasteel the same as in Obi-Wan’s world even if
some of the markers were different due to the Sith influence. He
could see the Diplomat hotel though and if he squinted he could also
barely see the sign for the Galactic courts of justice building.

surrounding of the buildings made it a shielded place so it luckily
wasn’t so windy in this area though that could at time make it a
clingy sort of heat without the air flowing through.

brought his attention back to him by squeezing his hand, smiling at
him. “I wanted to introduce you to someone. Well, several someones
really but they’re people I work with.” He stated happily.

uneasy feeling started in the bottom of Obi-Wan’s stomach.

that worked with the Sith.

if it was Anakin, that made Obi-Wan feel very uneasy as the Sith of
this universe wasn’t that different from the Sith in Obi-Wan’s

even so, Obi-Wan had not missed out on the fact that the clone wars
were currently ongoing in the galaxy.

if it was the clones?

would he do if it was the clones?

last time Obi-Wan had seen clones, it had been at the destruction of
the temple.

genocide of every Jedi.

could still feel the heat of the canon blast, destroying the rock and
causing Boga to fall from the mountain side, causing them both to
fall, fall, fallI!

Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan, you with me still?” There was a slight shake
along his arm, Obi-Wan giving a little gasp as he was brought back
from the sharp memories of blasters and pain to stare up into
Anakin’s concerned yellow eyes as the Sith pulled him closer via
the grasp on his hand.

back with wide eyes, feeling how hard he was gripping poor Anakin’s
hand, Obi-Wan let out a small whimper. “Tell me it’s not the
clones. I can’t see them now. I can’t
” He shuddered,
feeling sick to his core as Anakin’s eyes widened with shock.

Sith then dragged Obi-Wan to his chest, tucking him up in his robe
and holding him, their hands caught between their bodies as Obi-Wan’s
refused to let go of Anakin.

mech arm came around him instead as Anakin rocked them, a soft noise
coming from the Sith’s chest. “Hey, shhh, shh, I won’t force
you to see them. I was going to introduce you to my men but I won’t
force you.” He whispered, wincing a bit as Obi-Wan was crushing his
hand with the Jedi’s nail digging into the flesh.

gasping sob escaped Obi-Wan at that, mixed with relief, muted horror
and sorrow as the memories of Cody shooting him down rammed
into his mind, the sight of the temple smoking and the bodies in the

Of his
Anakin kneeling for Sidious, the puppet master himself.

can’t. I can’t. Don’t make me. I can hardly handle seeing you
most days.” Obi-Wan shook, pressing his face into the others chest,
feeling Anakin cup the back of his head with his mech hand, the
strands of his growing hair catching in the joints.

Obi-Wan didn’t care about the minor pain, desperate and shaking as
he was with traumas he was barely coping with.

what happened to you?” Anakin whispered, his grip tight on the
Jedi, half restraining, the possessive edge of their bond wrapping
tightly around The Jedi.

trembling like a child from their nightmares, Obi-Wan clung to the
Sith that wasn’t his. “They killed us all. He took my
Anakin from me, twisted him until he turned on me and had them
kill us all. How could they, why?” Obi-Wan wept, his words muffled
but still audible to the Sith holding him.

down at the wailing Jedi hiding against his chest, Anakin felt shock
and a small amount of horror set into his bones as dots started to

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