AWOLJedi: Oh no, Cody! Please tell me he’ll be ok?! And the other troopers? This is a good chance for the Jedi to take care of them, to show them some love.

Waking up is a horrible, awful and stinking experience and Cody would
rather not do it even as his body brings him slowly to awareness.

of his aching, sore and stiff body with a horrible taste of something
rotten and yet metal like in his mouth.

it’s awful.

would rather go back to sleep thank you, even his dazed brain can
tell it’s really early despite the warmth around him but nope, no
mercy for his body.

his eyes open slowly, Cody stared at the ceiling before grunting
slightly, almost jerking in shock when Kix suddenly popped into view.

he managed to remain laying still so not to agitate his body despite
giving Kix a dark glare.

medic grinned down at him. “Lucky vod, was starting to get worried
about you there commander but you got of easier than the captain.”
He whispered, much to Cody’s confusion because why the kark was Kix

He got
an amused look from the medic only for Kix to slowly lever the bed up
enough for Cody to look around.

feel that his let hand was being held tightly.

quickly to his left, ignoring how it made his head spin, Cody blinked
as he watched a red head on the crisp bed Cody was laying on, Obi-Wan
resting with his cheek on the bed and his hand held around Cody’s.

mouth was slightly open and hair had fallen into his face and Cody
stared at him in bemusement before he took in the view of a blanket
wrapped around the man’s shoulders as he drew slow and steady
breaths that turned into a slight snort like snore through his nose.

looked to Kix for answers, letting out a relieved noise when the
medic held out a cup with a straw in it, sucking eagerly even as he
glanced back to Obi-Wan with his eyes.

took the message with a quiet snort. “Wouldn’t leave the medtent,
decided to finally just put a blanket on him when I found him asleep
when I came for my shift. You know how stubborn Jedi are,” He
stated dryly but still kept quiet as he pulled back. “I’m going
to go get you a round of painkillers and give you a scan, then you
can have some breakfast.” Kix stated before gently clapping Cody on
the shoulder, heading towards the office part of the tent.

Cody with a sleeping Jedi.

sleeping Jedi.

down at the other, Cody felt his lips twitch into a soft smile before
he reached out slowly with his free hand, ignoring the IV stuck in
it. Instead he focused on the texture of soft hair as he pushed the
tresses out of Obi-Wan’s face, tracing down his temple and jawline
where he cupped the bearded man’s cheek, eyes curving fondly as he
felt the rougher texture of beard against his callused palm.

didn’t have access to the oil he normally used and had run out of
what he had.

Yet he
hadn’t complained one day even as he bemoaned the lack of his
favorite soap, as if he thought he was expected to bemoan something
at least.

stayed all night…for me.’ Cody’s breath caught for a moment,
the machine monitoring him beeped and Obi-Wan shifted in response
with a soft noise, the blanket over his shoulders slipping and
falling off.

eyes opened slowly, blinking up at him tiredly as Cody kept his hand
on the others cheek. “…Hi…” He whispered, the moment feeling
too much for anything loud.

up at him, Obi-Wan watched Cody before letting out a shuddering
breath of his own, his jaw trembling in Cody’s grasp as he slowly
reached up with his own hand, covering Cody’s with his own warm
one, pressing Cody’s to his cheek, and yes, the needle hurt being
pressed like that but Cody couldn’t find it in him to care.

He had
been hurt far worse than this.

closed his eyes tightly and swallowed, the sound of his throat
working reaching Cody before he opened glistening eyes and smiled at
Cody without lifting his head. “Hi…” Obi-Wan whispered back,
the two smiling at each other in the quiet warmth of the morning
filling the medtent.


at the slammed shut door as he let his hand drop from it’s raised
position, Anakin stood awkwardly staring at the door in bewilderment
before finally turning back to Ahsoka, the young togruta shifting
awkwardly in the holo. “I… Padme has been very busy lately.”
Anakin managed to get out through his lips, feeling like he was
disgusting for some reason as he tried smiling at the young girl.

slowly, glancing the way Padme had gone despite not being able to see
anything but Anakin, Ahsoka grinned slightly up at him. “I can
imagine, so I get that she’d hurry of again, I guess. But you were
telling me about going to the temple with the twins?” She prompted.

to ignore Padme’s cold and standoffish behavior and the fact that
she had just waved him off so she could run to the bedroom and then
back out with her security detail, Anakin smiled a bit more genuinely
while nodding. “I went to our old quarters, they’re very Force
sensitive so they just… reached out and pulled on Obi-Wan’s old
signature. They liked it… and yours.” He prompted gently.

only he hadn’t put them down for a nap, he’d show them to her.

Ahsoka ran a hand over her monterals. “Maybe I’ll come visit
them, see how the twins are doing…and you.” She tacked on a bit

a bit wider at that, Anakin nodded. “Would appreciate that, R2 only
makes for so much company along with 3CPO,” He laughed, missing the
sharp look Ahsoka threw him at the comment, the way her eyes narrowed
before widening in sudden, sorrowful understanding at the comment.
But before she could ask, Anakin asked a question of his own. “Hey,
do you know where Obi-Wan and the others are?” Anakin raised
hopeful eyes at his former padawan.

Ahsoka stared at him before shifting then shaking her head with a
deep sigh. “Rex and Master Plo offered to come pick me up but they
didn’t say where they set up,” She stated quietly, staring up at
him. “Hasn’t Master Obi-Wan…” She trailed off.

the back of his neck, Anakin didn’t know what to say. “Haven’t
talked to him yet.”

could he explain that every time he called, it was intercepted in
some way or he was busy with the twins.

that the troopers didn’t trust him.

that Anakin himself was being a coward and sometimes terminated the
call when he attempted.

It was
so hard to explain.

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