Hey Moody! I really love your Floralskin series! I was wondering if you could write about the episode where Obi-wan fakes his death. Does Anakin or Rex or did all the other clones figure it out because Cody isn’t fading like he should if Obi-wan did die? How does Cody react to seeing Obi-wan die on TV but realize that he’s not grayed out?

The bridge of the Resolute was
frozen in disbelief, the lazy glittering of stars around Coruscant
shining in through the viewfront before Cody finally broke the
silence that had descended upon them. “If you had just asked, I
would have told you.” Cody stated, a tad dryly as he stood there,
his flowers bright and colorful as Anakin stared at the commander.

them, the bridge was frozen as they all stared at Commander Cody’s
still vibrant, colorful flowers all over his face and body, creeping
up his neck and all.

Obi-Wan was dead, he had been hit and…

he had seen the flash of tanned neck with blue
on it as Cody had turned around, Anakin had felt his stomach drop
with shock.

any other situation he wouldn’t have ripped the helmet off the
commander, but Obi-Wan was dead.

that meant that Cody should not have color, he should be one of the
Grey, one of the Lost.

he wasn’t lost, his color was still there and yet Obi-Wan was gone.
“What the kark is going on?” Anakin finally choked out, feeling a
hazy darkness entering his line of vision that eased out when Rex
cupped his elbow, offering his unconditional support in a very trying
moment as Ahsoka shifted uncertainly between the humans.

rubbed the back of his neck before sighing. “I was suppose to wait
until we were away from Coruscant but…” He reached into his belt,
pulling out a holo disk that he activated.

his mouth only for it to shut with a click of his teeth, any words
that Anakin might have said went down as Obi-Wan appeared in the

well, standing straight backed in his usual position with his hands
resting behind his back in a nice little parade rest. “It’s
recording?” Obi-Wan questioned, smiling when a hum of affirmation
went off. “Oh good, because we don’t have much time before I need
to leave and this all gets set into motion.” He sighed deeply,
visibly slumping a bit.

the record, I think you should tell him in person and I think this
mission is a terrible idea.” Cody’s voice echoed from somewhere
the microphone had of whatever recording device was used had picked

deeply, scrubbing his hand over his face, Obi-Wan gave a nod. “Noted
Cody…and for the record, also agreed. But I can’t go against the
entire council all at once, it was ten against two and majority won
and unfortunately, I am the best person to take on the undercover
assignment. And I don’t have time to find Anakin and tell him, the council would know I told him if I did, I have to remain on the council to do something good or effect it.” He sighed tiredly.

assignment?’ Anakin blinked, feeling dizzy with sudden suspicion
and rage but also overwhelming relief as he stared at his master, the
man tilting his head up as if he was looking at Anakin in a holo.

if you’re seeing this, the first thing I need to tell you is that I
am not dead and I am
so sorry for any pain or turmoil I have caused,” The older Jedi
sighed deeply and paused while rubbing his face, clearly conflicted.

like he was somehow out of his own body, Anakin stared greedily at
the other man, desperate to take in and understand what in Sithhell
was going on. “Cyare?” Cody’s voice broke in, gentle and soft,
clear worry in his voice as Obi-Wan continued to flounder.

the older Jedi pulled himself together. “…I don’t want to do
this but I don’t have time to inform you in person or warn you and
I am so sorry for that Anakin, I am sorry for the pain I’m about to
inflict on you and I am so sorry for making you go through the pain I
went through at seeing Qui-Gon’s death,” Obi-Wan breathed out
heavily, dropping his hands again to stare up at Anakin. “Please
believe me if there was any other choice, I wouldn’t do this. But
the council has completely overridden me and Plo, our judgments are
considered clouded by our… bonds to the living world and I hope
that one day you can forgive me Anakin. But right now I don’t
expect you to and I hope yo-”

need to go General,” Cody suddenly cut in, his tone curt. “The
alert went off in the hall, General Yoda is on his way.” He growled

face spasmed through several emotions before he cursed vulgarly and
focused back on the camera, Anakin feeling as if the other was
staring into his soul. “Anakin, I’ll explain everything when I
get home, I promise. But please, please
Anakin, trust me. Stay
away from Hardeen…” He tacked on, a knock echoing in the holo
before it wiped out, throwing the bridge into a second of silence
before chaos broke out.

yet Anakin could only remain standing with Rex support, his arms warm
around Anakin as the blond stared at the blinking stars with two very
clear thoughts appearing in his mind.

is still alive.’

my gosh I kicked Obi-Wan in the balls and choked him, he’s wearing
Hardeen’s face!

started to laugh hysterically, to the worry of all the troopers and
in particular his own soulmate.

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