Can you please write something fluffy where Ahsoka is sick so Anakin takes care of her? Maybe even obi wan as well? Love your stuff!!

Of all the things Anakin hadn’t expected after that stupid mission
to Tatooine with Jabba the hutt’s son, it was for both Obi-Wan and
Ahsoka to fall sick.

there were a lot of airborne diseases on Tatooine actually, caught in
the sand corns and transported around by the wind that shifted the
sand and made the dunes sing. And Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had not
experienced dune flu.

in his childhood as a slave on Tatooine, had experienced it and
developed immunization to it afterward, him breathing in the virus in
the air and in the sand as it was whipped up by wind did nothing to
him except make him slightly more temperamental and a bit feverish.

and Obi-Wan however went down hard.

had bone rattling chills, high fevers, muscle aches, fatigue,
vomiting and runny noses and both were miserable.

could only praise whoever made the troopers armor for making sure the
helmets had filters that took care of anything of it, the idea of
both the 212th and 501st coming down with it
was horrifying as there weren’t that many medics.

since there weren’t really any way to treat dune flu, only treat
the symptoms and use things like anti-nausea, painkillers and fever

Anakin was quite happy to take care of both Jedi, making sure they
took the medications the medics gave them before he settled into the
tent with the two.

that left them on the floor on two mattresses pushed together with
several blankets and pillows to provide comfort and warmth with the
two curled up into Anakin, his arms wrapped around both his master
and padawan as he gently stroked Ahsoka’s monteral and his master’s
hair, uncaring of the fevered sweat coating his glove and skin.

in a while, one or both of them would shift and cough harshly into
the provided tissues from the tissue box before making something
between a whine and a hoarse whimper from chest and throat pain from
the way their muscles were contracting.

flu was not a pleasant thing for sure and Anakin pressed his lips to
Ahsoka’s monteral with a dark frown as he felt the heat from her
skin. “You two sure you aren’t hungry yet?” He murmured
quietly, leery of any potential headaches as the wind whipped in a
quiet howl outside the tent.

he had tried to convince them to eat some vegetable broth he had made
only for Obi-Wan to outright refuse while looking green and Ahsoka to
vomit it up moments after swallowing. If it wasn’t for that, Anakin
would insist they eat but it was better not to risk it if it would
just come as fast as it came down.

wetly, Obi-Wan shook his head mutely, one of the few times Anakin had
actually seen him silent.

didn’t like it at all, he had once hoped to find Obi-Wan quiet but
now that he had him quiet, he really didn’t like it.

thanks.” Ahsoka mumbled, pressing her head into Anakin’s
shoulder, her breathing thick and raspy.

a kiss to her monteral, Anakin gave a slow nod and just pulled them
more into him, feeling them both shuffle for the warmth for a second
before settling again. “That’s alright, just tell me if you two
need anything.” He murmured tenderly before settling back against
the tent wall behind him, grateful the troopers had the foresight to
put the tent against the rock outcropping to use as an insulating

at the words, Obi-Wan let out a quiet noise, lifting his sweaty face
from Anakin’s chest to look at him with fever shiny eyes. “Wata?”
He croaked out more than he spoke but despite how mangled the word
was, Anakin still understood.

he summoned Obi-Wan’s water bottle and used the Force to hold it to
Obi-Wan’s lips, the master not even making a grimace at the display
of frivolous Force use. He just quietly drank two small sips and then
settled back into Anakin’s chest.

alright… I’m here.” Anakin whispered, holding onto two of the
most important people in his life.

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