Hey moddy thanks for opening the anon, yeah i am a little shy, so lets go to the busines can you continue shut me down, maybe what is planing Palpatine to do now that Dooku is in the temple, is he going to try someting more against them now that Ani and Obi are firends

the boy was friends with Kenobi.

out his window, drumming his nails on the armlean of his chair,
Sidious narrowed his eyes in thought as he observed the glowing
lights of the Jedi tower.

had been enraged initially when Dooku had escaped to the Jedi temple,
Sifo-Dyas has gotten quite the trashing before Sidious had let the
man run off but now Sidious was wondering if it wasn’t for the

broken once Jedi was friends with his apprentice to come.

no longer a Jedi, someone who could be formed attachment to and could
form an attachment in return. Originally he had intended to get young
Amidala in with Skywalker, to cultivate a relationship between the
two since young Skywalker already had an attraction to the young


might be the better pick.

already broken up young former Jedi, who apparently had PTSD and

underdeveloped and easy to kill retard that needs others to protect
and guide him, so easy to get rid of and so easy to make young
Skywalker angry at the Jedi for loosing.’ Sidious smirked at his
window reflection.

his chin on his hands, Sidious chuckled quietly, eyes gleaming with
plots for the future.


at Obi-Wan’s hands and then looking up, Anakin blinked heavily. “So
you just work with your hands on clay instead of using the Force?”
He wiggled curious.

faintly, Obi-Wan nodded. “It’s… a physically nice sensation,
grounding to me. So I enjoy working with my hands with the clay to
shape things. Force sculptures are nice of course but they’re there
to help you refine your ability to use the Force. I know how to do
that, I like creating things with my hands more than with the Force
though.” He stated quietly before pausing, looking up and smiling a
bit at Anakin’s curious expression.

was a scraping noise and Anakin jumped in surprise, letting out a low
noise when the bowl of clay slid over to him.

ahead, the entire caff table is covered up, so if you want to make
something, you can too.” Obi-Wan murmured.

Anakin pulled his sleeves up so he wouldn’t get the clay on his
hands and quickly grabbed a good two fist big sized ball of clay from
the large bowl, setting it down in front of himself on the covered up
caff table.

started working on it quickly, kneading the clay like Obi-Wan had
done when Anakin arrived earlier. “So you just work it so it’s
easier to mold right?” He
questioned, working the light brown clay with his hands.

Obi-Wan nodded. “It makes it supple so you can form it easier. Back
home, I have a pottery wheel to spin them but we don’t have them
here. Yan is trying to get me one but until then, I work with the
easier clay. You just need to work the clay and form it with water
before you bake it.” He stated quietly, content.

with a medium, with clay and water and patience had always been nice
to him.

like he liked drawing and playing his instruments.

little oasis in his own mind where he got to relax with his mind and
hands occupied.

didn’t always work of course, sometimes working with wet and slick
clay was just… too much.

other times it was just the thing to do.

having a friend working with him…

at Anakin, Obi-Wan felt a small smile cross his lips as he watched
the blond knead and work the clay as best he could, clearly
fascinated with the texture just as much as Obi-Wan had been the
first time Yan had introduced him to it.

had a friend, a friend who was just as special as him and for the
first time since this entire endeavor happened, Obi-Wan couldn’t
help but feel happy to be back in the Jedi temple, regardless of the
why and the painful memories that was in the temple.

there was also joy here.

had friend that was in the temple just as much as he was, compared to
Bant and the others, who were busy Jedi knights and having someone
beside Yan was filling a small void in Obi-Wan’s chest.

made him happy.

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