Does Sidious feel the difference in Ani’s crystal the next time he sees him in Kyber Tears?

bittersweet joy mixed with sorrow reaches for him the moment the Jedi
enter the Senate and Sidious is on his feet before he can even
register what he’s doing, making his way to the door before he
finally manages to moderate himself and slow down.

gather himself while mentally growling with relief that he had been
alone in his office.

anyone had seen the look on his face at that moment…

outwardly once more, Sidious gives a benign smile to his secretary
and simply states he needs to stretch his legs, the two clone trooper
guards falling into step behind him as he makes his way out.

Darth Sidious does not need them but for now they are a necessary
disguise as he makes his way out into the long halls, following that
sorrow mixed joy, knowing what he will find and yet still needing to

finally the hall opens so he can look down.

enough to make him grit his teeth.

there is the blond head of Skywalker for sure, standing with Kenobi,
both of them speaking with Senator Amidala.

the kyber crystals down below chime with bittersweet joy.

something truly happy yet so powerful it could easily overpower an
artificial crystal or a bleeding one.

close and yet so far away because Sidious couldn’t quite disguise
himself from Skywalker when it came to his own desire for the star
child he had no idea was hidden in the temple.

now that star child has gifted his padawan with a crystal that sings
of grief tinged joy, of companionship, of warmth and love.

all the things Sidious has spent so long trying to convince Skywalker
that Kenobi does not feel for him.

will make turning the former even more difficult than before and it
will make it naught impossible for him to keep Kenobi imprisoned with
the emotions in those sabers as they will reach to Skywalker.

remind him that Kenobi loves him, loves
him enough to give Skywalker a part of him, the part he has kept a
secret for many years, reminds him that he trusts Skywalker with the
part that could get him injured and mutilated because of the cruel
galaxy in search of profit or worse.

if there is one thing Skywalker would kill, die and Fall for it, it
is the love of those around him.

a foul mood, Sidious continues walking, glancing down the levels as
he continues watching the blond and red head move from Senator
Amidala finally.

has to get Kenobi out of the way.

needs to separate them or else Skywalker will never fall.

to get this star child on his knees at Sidious feet.


his freckles self consciously, Obi-Wan slid a bit closer to his
former padawan. “Are they really that noticeable?”
He murmured quietly as
the two stepped into the elevator that would bring them back down to
the skycar parking.

the moment they had stepped foot into the Rotunda, he had felt like
eyes had been on him, observing him, judging him and Padme had
mentioned it had to do with the freckles that glowed since Obi-Wan
was no longer hiding them.

out a small hum while leaning forward to push the hanger button,
Anakin shrugged and glanced at his old master. “To be fair, they’re
new. I think that’s what’s going on more than anything. That
they’re new, you’re new in a roundabout way, so now everyone
wants to see and gossip.” He settled, the elevator shaking a bit as
it started downwards.

a bit, Obi-Wan finally snorted then smiled. “That sounds like a
convoluted explanation of what I gave you as a teen when people kept
staring at you.” He teased lightly, his heart warming when Anakin
laughed, the crystal in Anakin’s saber chiming with it’s new
owner’s joy.

Anakin reached out and playfully ruffled Obi-Wan’s hair, sniggering
when the older Jedi master let out a noise of offense and tried to
escape the hand. “Well, where do you think I learned it, oh great
master of the chosen one, Sith slayer?” He teased, his Force being
glowing with light and warmth.

huffing in offense, Obi-Wan straightened his hair back even as his
eyes twinkled with his delight. “Oh, please don’t drag out those
old titles. I thought you were as tired of hearing that as I was.”
He pretend shuddered.

two stared at each other before letting out equally amused, delighted
laughs, both equally relieved that they could.

were in the middle of a war but they still had each other and
regardless what went wrong anywhere else in the galaxy, whatever
anyone plotted against not only the Republic and the Jedi order but
the Skywalker and Kenobi duo in person… they would always have each
other, guarding each others back.

Cody and the others are still waiting in the hanger for us?” Anakin
murmured, settling his flesh hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder as he
watched Obi-Wan wipe the mirth from his eyes.

faintly still, Obi-Wan just nodded before shrugging. “What can I
say, we have each others back, but the 212th
and the 501st
have everything else covered,” Obi-Wan grinned wryly, the glow of
his freckles and eyes brightening for just a second in tune with his
emotions. Then
they dimmed, his smile fading a bit. “Is… everything alright with
Senator Amidala and you?”

paused for a moment before shrugging, his hand tightening on
Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “She just felt that I should have spoken to
her about… you. Seeing as we have such a close… friendship.”
Anakin hummed before jumping a bit when Obi-Wan covered his hand with
one of his.

older man gave him a long, saddened look. “…I’m sorry Anakin,
for bringing discord into your relationship.” He whispered.

clogging a bit, Anakin wondered if there was more to those words
the lines than they implied,
if Obi-Wan knew.
But he dismissed that and instead smiled at Obi-Wan, squeezing his
shoulder a bit. “If she can’t handle that I kept a secret for
safety sake, then that’s her problem.” He stated firmly, pulling
the other into a one armed hug.

was nothing Anakin wouldn’t have done to kept Obi-Wan’s secret
before this.

there was nothing Anakin wouldn’t do to keep him safe now.

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