For feral child could we see them go to war with the hutts and get anakins mom back. Also maybe with some Cody/Rex/obi wan starting to get close??? I love the idea of Obi Wan getting smitten and possessive of the clones

in through the open door with his helmet under his arm in a copy of
his vod, Rex sent Cody a questioning look, the older vod simply
shaking his head while tightening his grip on his helmet.

had no idea what this was about anymore than Rex did clearly.

had simply been summoned to General Carrion’s side and Rex wasn’t
sure what to make of it.

they all belonged to Kenobi, it was clear that the man had intended
for Rex and his men to belong mostly to Anakin Skywalker, be his men…
his friends as Anakin put his claim on them, like an over-sized cat
laying over their laps.

wouldn’t shock Rex if the other blond tried to rub his scent on
them in a manner of speaking.

what did the High General want?

with the explicate order to not let Anakin know that Rex was going to
see Obi-Wan, to come while the other Sith was asleep.

was odd, but Rex wasn’t scared.

wasn’t like the longnecks.

he was worried, standing there in the darkened command room, no one
but him, Cody and Kenobi in the room, the man standing over a holo
display with the blue lights of it casting shadows over the redhead’s
face as the only real light of the room as he leaned his hands on the
metal to bend over it, clearly observing Nal Hutta.

had looked it up the moment he could once he knew they were going

were after all going to war there and a good captain knew the

approached the man without fear, coming to a still at Kenobi’s side
and Rex followed his vod, quietly settling too.

said anything, after all, Kenobi knew they were there and was staring
at the planet, clearly thinking.

he finally sighed and lifted his eyes, peering at them, eyes
glittering faintly in the dark not unlike a nocturnal predator. “You
are both aware why we’re going to Nal Hutta?” He murmured.

and Rex exchanged quick looks before both nodded. “Yes sir, was
kind of hard to ignore you and General Skywalker’s conversation on
the bridge.” Cody stated, his tone low and steady.

quirked his lips at that, looking back at the display, his expression
somehow darkening even further. “I hate hutt’s. So does Anakin.
Even before I found my little monster, I hated them. But that is
neither here nor there, I’m only going to war for his sake.” He

couldn’t help but wonder about family that would do that for you,
would go bracing into war, fire in their eyes and violence in their

would have to be a unique and deep kind of bond and affection, that
he knew for sure and he couldn’t help but feel… envious.

he didn’t doubt his brothers would do quite a bit for him.

they were also trained by the kaminoan’s, there were things they
were… raised not to do.

have someone like Kenobi on their side now was a blessing he would
never forget, after losing so many vode before.

what did all of this have to do wit-

issue is that I’m not certain Shmi Skywalker is alive.” The words
came out measured from the Sith and Rex started, his nostrils flaring
before his eyes narrowed in sudden understanding.

had seen Anakin’s face when Obi-Wan had announced where they were
going, he had seen the undisguised and desperate hope on the other’s
face and he knew,
he knew what it was like to loose someone and curse the ones who had
taken them from you.

he knew what it was like to hurt.

while Rex had not been able to lash out, Anakin Skywalker would
certainly be allowed to lash out.

he would, if his mother was dead, if hope was ripped so cruelly
and abruptly out of Anakin’s hands…

would lash out with all the rage of the two suns he had once come

eyes were suddenly squarely focused on Rex. “I need you to watch
his back Captain, when Anakin lets go, he also becomes reckless. He
will end up in danger of being shot in the back as he exhausts
himself in pure rage and grief and I won’t be able to watch his
back as I have before and neither will Qui-Gon. So I need you to
watch his back, you and your brothers because right now, with a war
on my hands, I will not be able to. Can I trust you to watch his back
Captain Rex?” He murmured in that even, steady tone.

his eyes seemed to be trying to look through Rex, to scan every part
of his being.

didn’t cower though, only clicked his heels together and saluted,
nodding firmly.

eyes lingered on him before slowly, steadily, General Kenobi’s lips
quirked into a small smile. Then he turned to Cody. “I will need
you to watch my back on the other hand,” He raised a hand when Cody
opened his mouth. “Please, let me finish Commander Cody. There will
come a time that I may be… indisposed during battle, when that time
comes, I expect you to watch my back and to lead. If I become
indisposed, it will all be in your hands Cody.” He murmured, his
voice softer.


ears sharpened a bit, throwing a quick glance Cody’s way.

in the darkness of the room with only the holo display as their
source of light, Rex could see the faint flush of Cody’s ears and
the back of his neck and he knew his vod.

heard the tone too, that fondness in the General’s voice.

Cody clearly liked
that fondness.

well, well, Rex mentally rubbed his hands together as Cody responded
positively to the request. It seemed that Rex would have to create a
little betting pool with the rest of the captain’s and commanders

with Cody?

were only a matter of time before they happened.

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