Something important

I haven’t talked about this really and new reader’s might not
know but I used to update 6 days a week.

was of course not sustainable in length, especially as I got more
readers and more people came to read, meaning that my quality of
writing had to improve because I
couldn’t keep producing quantity with quality, I am only one person
after all.

I reduced to 5 days, 5
fics a day.

then reduced to 5 days with 4 fics with
a bonus fic
once a week.

I reduced to 4, kept the fics format of course because once more, I
had to keep myself sane with stuff I needed to do too and
needed more time while also making quality over quantity.

then came
a day and that’s what I wanna talk about honestly.

that 4th
day wasn’t cut because I was too exhausted every week, (I
mean I still am sometimes but that’s based on what happens in my
week otherwise and I give ample warning if I need to slow down now)
and couldn’t keep up, it was cut because… honestly, because
of the lack of feedback.

looked at the efforts I was putting into my blog those
4 days a week,
the thing I was doing for free, the time I gave to my blog and the
time it took to write and found that the feedback, the reviews,
didn’t match up with the amount of time I spent, the
effort I put into it and the energy I used when I got chores and all
and day to day stuff.

why I always put things in the tags when I reblog something, because
as a sideblog, I can’t comment with Sw Prompts and Asks due to
tumblrs way of setting up sideblogs but
I know that artists needs feedback, so I write it in the tags though
sometimes I will admit it’s not the best feedback I could give.

guess what I’m trying to say is that feedback, reviews, tiny little
words of encouragement…they’re very
important to both artists and writers.

create, we take time to create and mostly we do it for free and
especially fan content is made free for all, because we can’t
really be paid for that. Original creators would take issue, so it
costs us, the fandom creators and we don’t get much back for it
when no one comments.

comments don’t need to be these well thought out things, it can be
very basic like “This made me laugh.” Or “Oh my fuck, you
absolute bastard! How dare you!” or even just “I loved it!”

three simple words and often that’s enough to keep a writer or an
artist going because having someone love what we do, having people
give a bit of their time in response to what we did… that can mean
the world.

I’ve seen artists
and writers outright quit or stop creating because of this.

we lose it, we lose that spark that makes us create, we lose the
desire and the urge because we can’t justify the cost to ourselves.

please, just take a minute or two to leave feedback.

not telling you to leave feedback on every
chapter a writer makes, though that would encourage them, but at
least leave feedback on their stuff. And for artist? Do leave
feedback on everything they make because art that’s drawn, lined,
colored takes a lot of time.

and writers deserve recognition.

it’s up to the ones consuming the creation, the fans, to leave that

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