So Immortalplans, does Maul catch Obi? Are they a similar age? Or is he more Ani’s age?

that’s the potentially immortal brat. How pathetic.’

thought slips through the haze of everyone else around the feast,
clearly unintentional and Anakin feels his spine go ramrod stiff as
he catches the thought. If he hadn’t been monitoring on purpose, he
might not have caught it at all.

his hand on Obi-Wan’s head as the boy still chats happily with his
mon calamari friend as she’s winning the tossing game, Anakin
starts slowly surveying the crowd around, tries to catch sight of who
is watching Obi-Wan.

can’t though.

festival of the Silvering Moon is just too big, the area they picked
has so many people despite it being one of the ‘less’ populated
sections of the festival.

Senatorial district is crazy compared to this section.

the kids liked it and Anakin understood socializing and showing off
the young ones to the public.

them used to Jedi among them, even the young ones.

show the temples vulnerable and softer underbelly.

however, Anakin wanted to lift Obi-Wan up into his arms and run away
with him. The Force faction that wanted Obi-Wan was here or someone
working for them was here. ‘And considering they know exactly what
Obi-Wan might potentially become, I’m betting it’s the latter as
the contract on Obi-Wan doesn’t specify why,
only where he is and who he is.’

regardless how long Anakin looked around, he couldn’t find the
person who had thought that damn thought.

to prevent himself for sneering a bit, Anakin cursed Coruscant and
it’s foggy Force for the first time ever. It had been clouded for
as long as he had been on the planet, the entire planet being more
metal and artificial buildings than organic and that had never before
bothered Anakin as there were still worlds he could visit where there
was so much green and blue.

Anakin liked

due to that, the Force that rose from Coruscant was made by the
beings that lived on it.

the unfortunate truth about sentient beings were that they could be
wholly selfish, greedy and dark.

made the Force difficult to use sometimes outside of the temple on
Coruscant when it was being so foggy.

had once told him that when he had been young, the Force had been
clearer and maybe that had to do with the influx of who lived there
but Anakin was starting to wonder…

his head, he instead meet Qui-Gon’s eyes, giving him a warning
through their bond that caused his old master to be more on guard as
the man let a small nod escape him before he let his eyes drop to
Obi-Wan, a soft, fond smile crossing the man’s face.

down, Anakin smiled too, watching Obi-Wan coo and praise Bant for
winning the soft fish plush she wanted.

just too adorable.” He chuckled at them before lifting both kids
up, settling one each on his hip and heading over to the majority of
the creche class, giving Xanatos a nod as the raven tried to
integrate himself to the kids.

I’m the favorite still~.’ Anakin thought playfully at his lineage
brother as all the kids turned their attention on Anakin the moment
he came close, hopeful faces looking at him for treats.

setting down Bant and Obi-Wan, Anakin reached into his belt for the
bag of sweetened sugar plums, much to the entire creche class
delight, leaving the now forgotten Xanatos to pout.


had been too close!

around the stall corner, Sheev sneered at the blond knight.

knight had suddenly tensed and then started looking around
‘discreetly’, sensing a threat most likely to his little ward.
This would have been perfect, blending into the crowd, get close to
the little brat and make him pass out but no,
the karking knight had been on guard and now Sheev needed to return
to his master with his failure.


hated the punishment that would follow for failing.

I get my hands on that little twerp, I’ll make him pay for all the
pain I have to go through because of him.’ Sheev seethed, lowering
his eyes to the copper red head as Kenobi laughed and excitedly
clapped his hands as he got his sweets.

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