I like to imagine that when Obi-Wan meditates really hard he just kind of blocks out everything in order to focus. So he’ll just be meditating outside his tent (he likes being outside) and it’ll start raining on him and he won’t notice and the troopers will have to shake him out of it because he’s getting completely soaked like the dumb cute idiot he is and he needs to go inside and dry off before he gets pneumonia or something.

his head to peer up at the sky, Cody narrowed his eyes thoughtfully
before tilting his head to look at Boil. “What do you think?” He
questioned quietly, tapping his right fingers on his left gauntlet.

his head, Boil stared for a long moment before pulling his helmet off
and tucking it under his arm, lifting his hand to shield his eyes and
squint them at the sky. “Looks clear but this planet has been odd
from the moment we arrived honestly sir, I wouldn’t trust it.” He
settled on.

deeply, Cody scrubbed his face before turning to the rows of tents
with a deeper frown on his face. “And the di’kut is still
out…” He grumbled faintly as Waxer returned with the scouting
party, the speeders coming in with the normal sounds of the motors.

a bit, Boil crossed his arms over his chest, sliding up beside the
commander. “Well, we still haven’t quite tamed our jetiis di’kuts
now, have we?” He murmured teasingly, wiggling his mustache.

quietly too, Cody couldn’t help but grin wryly.

their Jedi idiots, he blamed Rex for that, the man had complained
loudly about General Skywalker and the 212th
and 501st
were quite happy to pick up on that as Obi-Wan wasn’t much better
than his padawan.

that Rex wrong.’ Cody admitted to himself, finally breaking from
Boil to move towards the General, still sitting in the same kneeling
position with his legs tucked beneath himself, rear resting on his
heels and his hands on his thighs.

breath was slow and steady, the cool breeze lightly ruffling his

man was ticking in on four hours of meditation now and to be fair to
the General, he had warned everyone that he was going to do some deep
meditation since they weren’t suppose to move for another three

meditation however meant that the General wouldn’t be ‘aware’
for at least another full twelve, he wouldn’t move, wouldn’t eat
or drink for a full day practically.

also meant that it it started to karking rain or snow, the man
wouldn’t move to
get away for it or get to cover.

down at the relaxed General, Cody glanced up at the sky again before
sighing and waving for Gus.

paused in his conversation with one of the shiny’s, his helmet
visibly dropping a bit, which indicated he was looking down before he
lifted his thumb up in understanding without Cody comming him via the
helmet headsets.

a bit, Cody went back to peering down at his General, taking in the
way the others face for the first time in weeks looked properly

the dark bags under his eyes were still there and his body still
carried the gauntness the vod had started to notice even when the man
was in full armor, but there was something that finally eased in the
others face and his body was no longer tensed.

despite it all, Cody wasn’t about to complain overly much about the
not being aware thing when he was in deep meditation.

he could get the General to take a good eight hour sleep and some
good food in the time they had too.

was worth a shot at least.

down a bit, he smiled at the closed eyes and steady rising and
falling chest, taking in how Obi-Wan’s fingers twitched against his
thighs. “…What did you Jedi do without us, huh?” He teased
softly, knowing the other could hear him even if he wouldn’t
respond as that required him to resurface.

smile grew into a grin when he took notice of Obi-Wan’s lips

as Gus came over with the tent canopy, Cody happily set about getting
his General covered up before the suspected rain could come, making
sure the other wouldn’t get wet and then potentially sick.

what did the Jedi do before they had the troopers.

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