Moddy! Can you believe how young Obi-wan looks when she shaves his beard off in that gifset? What if he had to shave off his beard of a mission and no one could believe how young he was? What if he had to pretend to be super young??

up at her too amused looking master with raised brows and twitching
lekkus, Ahsoka couldn’t quite suppress her disapproval as she
crossed her arms over her chest. “So you’re telling me that
master Obi-Wan is going to be jail bait for a mission?” She finally

there had been a string of young Force sensitive being abducted and
the council very much suspected it was another ploy by the Grievous
potentially Dooku, just as had been with the abducted initiates
earlier in the war.

council had therefore delegated the mission to Obi-Wan, the redhead
apparently choosing to go undercover as the best solution to get a
lead and
because the targets were younger people without any Force teachings, he would have to
go in without his saber and looking like a civilian.

very much disapproved of that, it felt like needless danger
considering how well known master Obi-Wan was.

that the two troopers felt like they approved any more than her.

Anakin was laughing about it!

some more in obvious amusement,
Anakin shook his head. “Pretty much or that’s the intention at
least, it’s never going to work though.” He snorted, leaning
against the durasteel wall as the troopers milled around, Captain Rex
and Cody listening with disapproval obvious on their faces.

three of them paused at Anakin’s explanation
of his amusement.

rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, pulling his tunic
taunt. “Oh come off it, yes, Obi-Wan is a highly renowned Jedi but
this person is out after younger
Force sensitive beings. Obi-Wan is turning thirty eight this year.”
Anakin pointed out dryly, raising his brows at all three.

Ahsoka’s lips twitched a bit then she laughed and gave a small nod.
“True, no one is going to mistake him for a teen, that much is
true.” She grinned, relaxing a bit.

and Rex shoulders seemed to slump a bit, both of them sharing a
rather small, relieved smile with each other.

Anakin chirped, tilting his head to look to the door of the fresher
before focusing back on Ahsoka and the leading troopers. “Which
means that once he gets it, he will have to revise this rather stupid
idea and we can do some proper recon.” He wiggled his shoulders a
bit before pushing from the wall and stretching.

he was excited to be doing some leg work, they had been to war for so
long now that a semi normal Jedi mission sounded wonderful to him.

Ahsoka wouldn’t mind actually experiencing some low key normality
for the Jedi Order.

had become a padawan during war time after all.

the fresher door opened and Obi-Wan stepped through, all four turning
to him.

Obi-Wan, I was about to send a rescue te-AH!” Anakin choked on his
own words as
they all got a look at a clean shaved Obi-Wan Kenobi, the man
blinking back at them as he rubbed his beardless jawline, a clefted
chin appearing from under all that hair along with more freckles.

didn’t look a day over twenty and if he had claimed to be eighteen,
people would easily believe him.

he could even claim to be sixteen and just look older than he was and
still that wouldn’t be a stretch.

the jail bait mission sounded a lot easier for Obi-Wan to pull off.

man smiled, dimples of his cheeks appearing as he dropped his hands
along his sides and straightened up. “You waited for me here, you
didn’t have to do that Anakin, I would have just joined you in
command center once I finished up.” Obi-Wan chuckled warmly, eyes
creasing up in a smile.

three exchanged looks of horrified realization.

could totally pull off a jail bait mission and he could pull it of
with ease, his face the very picture of what humans called ‘baby
faced’ and Ahoska suddenly had an understanding of human males
talking about how a beard changed how a face looked.

now Anakin was clearly less amused and more shocked and worried.
“Obi-Wan, you can’t be serious about this.” The blond moved to
walk at Obi-Wan’s side, head turned to his old master as Ahsoka,
Cody and Rex followed quickly behind.

the troopers rushing past ended up pausing in shock as they got a
look at Obi-Wan, the redhead seemingly not noticing as he continued
heading for command. “Of course I am Anakin, I’m quite
experienced and I’m not about to let Ahsoka do an undercover jail
bait mission, I have a better chance,” He shot Ahsoka an apologetic
look. “That is not a devaluation of your skills Ahsoka, but of
experience you have to understand.” He murmured, a warm smile on
his young face.

agree with Skyguy, Master Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka injected now that he had
his attention. “This is a dangerous
mission, how do you know that the person kidnapping Force sensitive
isn’t going to… to…” Ahsoka wasn’t even sure what they were

one who had been abducted had been found!

eyes softened at that. “I can look after myself, I’ll also equip
myself with a tracker that I’ll allow Helix to implant under my
skin. I’m not going to go in without a security measure in place,”
He stated, raising his hands in a silencing motion when everyone
seemed to open their mouth to argue with him. “No, this is the last
I want to hear about this mission, I have seniority, now you can help
me plan or you can stay out of it, the choice is yours.” He raised
his brows, pausing outside the command door to look at all four.

four exchanged long looks. “…I don’t like this sir,” Cody
finally stated, his lips pursed tight and white. “But I’d rather
be involved than having you go out without support.” He stated.

face was the picture of satisfaction as he ‘won’ in his own eyes.

else just had a vague sense of discomfort and nausea settling in as
the young looking redhead smiled at them, his smile making him look
beautifully young much to their horror.

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