#wolfyrubs: Ani and Obi spend some quality mate time while Ahsoka visits with Plo.

what felt like a full five minute of knocking, the door finally
opened, Skyguy standing there with a smile and a greeting on his lips
before he turned wry. “I’m
sorry Ahsoka, I’d
love to invite you in,”
Anakin stated dryly, turning to the side so she could look into
the quarters. “But
master Kenobi has been taken hostage, he’s trapped turning the
pages of a very dry historical text
I need to save him.”
He snorted deeply, exasperatedly amused clearly even
as a fond smile hitched onto his lips

watching the redheaded human, Ahsoka felt her lips twitching into a
smile as he saw the fascinated
expression on the man’s face as he continued reading. “Oh dear,
have you tried offering a ransom?” She giggled softly as Obi-Wan
waved his hand at them without looking away.

now, Anakin shrugged. “We negotiated a deal and he’ll be free by
lunch time.” He snorted before stepping out of
the quarters past
her and settling his hand on her shoulder. “In the mean time, we
two can go
fetch some food?
It’s dusty in there and
we haven’t gotten permission to review the next security room yet.”
Anakin rolled his shoulders.

could spot a fine line of tremors in the blond human and figured it
was suppressed energy, smiling as she nodded up at him and allowed
Anakin to lead her away. “Sounds good to me Skyguy.”

had really been wanting to go visit Plo, but she could do that after
fetching food with Anakin at whatever place the other wanted.

knew the human werewolf had a lot of energy since his mutation,
though Anakin didn’t often go into details about his new life and
his new abilities.

every predatory instinct Ahsoka had told her one thing for sure…

was dangerous.

meant he was stronger than her and that didn’t shock her, he had
been strong to begin with but since the mutation, he had become even

since hooking up with Obi-Wan…

that made a difference, something about their bond or maybe the fact
that Obi-Wan feed from him mainly made Anakin even stronger.

his body is producing more
to satiate Master Obi-Wan? Or
maybe it’s a vampiric feedback loop that causes him to be
She pondered to herself before shaking it off, grinning when she felt
Skyguy rest his hand on her shoulder.

did it really matter, when Skyguy was comfortable and safe in the
temple with master Obi-Wan?


down the tray with steaming food on the pad overfilled caff table,
Anakin sighed deeply while staring down at the still reading bat
curled up on the couch, Obi-Wan looking quite comfortably snuggled up
in two blankets, wearing one of Anakin’s old tunics as his eyes
flickered quickly over the letters of the pad, clearly consumed with
the intrigue of his mystery novel.

love you, but you’re consumed by your book and clearly I need to
intervene so you can kriffing eat and feed.” Anakin stated, rubbing
his hands together while looking around.

that’s nice Anakin.” Obi-Wan murmured, scrolling down slowly
before shifting a bit to get more comfortable on the couch.

raising, Anakin smirked slightly. “If you don’t put down the pad,
the tickle wolf is going to come after you.” He warned, voice loud
and clear as he carefully pushed the caff table away from the couch
to get a bit more space, readying himself

that’s good Anakin.” Obi-Wan mumbled.

widely, Anakin
bunching his shoulders up. This
was really his own fault, Obi-Wan had given Anakin permission for
this if he got too consumed in his none vital literature.

then he pounced while simultaneously pulling the pad out of Obi-Wan’s
hand with the Force, setting it on the table among the others as he
dug his hands into Obi-Wan’s stomach, wiggling his fingers as he
pinned Obi-Wan down by sitting over his thighs.

Obi-Wan twisted and tried to escape, batting and pushing at Anakin
before changing tactics to try and catch the werewolves hands as he
screamed with laughter, eyes wide and sparkling with both shock and
delight. “ANAKIN!”

WARNED YOU!” Anakin laughed, leaning down and blowing a raspberry
on the others neck while tickling along the others side.

Obi-Wan screamed with laughter, trying to shake the other off before
just grabbing Anakin and rolling the two off the couch, both laughing
as they hit the ground in a rush of knees, elbows and blankets,
panting heavily while grinning at each other.

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