Kyber crystals – so does Sidious have a plan to try to capture Obi-Wan?

the desire to laugh like a maniac is rather hard when one is as
gleeful as Darth Sidious is at this moment, but he manages somehow,
to hide his desire to laugh behind a genial smile as he steepled his
hands together in a triangle and gives Skywalker a parting word as
the boy makes his way out.

still the Sith has to count to five before he drops back in his chair
and chuckles lowly under his breath, still leery should his secretary
hear him or if the dimwitted girl has allowed anyone too close to the
office door without informing Sidious.

Star child.’ The Sith can’t help but marvel, rubbing his hands
together as he his lips lift in a smile that has too many teeth to be

intended apprentice, the chosen one himself and his former Jedi
master is a Star
A creation made by the very stars themselves and given a flesh and
bone shape that cried power!

it’s almost too good to be true, Sidious wants to laugh even more
because his victory will be all the more sweeter once operation
Knight Fall arrives.

only leaves him with a few questions.

grab the man now, or to wait.

his chin, Sidious turned his chair to peer out the large window
behind his desk, staring at the Jedi temple lit up in a halo of a
blood red setting sun before he starts smirking and inclining his
head ever so slightly. “For now you’re safe… enjoy your days in
the sun for as long as they last, for once you are mine…” Sidious
eyes sparked yellow in his reflection, his grin predatory on his old
face. “You will cry yourself empty
of kyber until you break and are mine.”
He chuckled

even better, once Kenobi was his, he could be used to ensure
Skywalker’s obidence, ensure his place at Sidious side.

he wasn’t stupid after all, Skywalker loved Kenobi with all his

in a romantic way, oh no it was purely platonic that was clear with
Skywalker being a clingy little cuddler, something that would have to
be trained out of him of course. But he still adored the other man
with all his heart, would guard and protect him with everything he
had and if Sidious got his hands on him…

Skywalker would do anything to help him and yet as powerful as he
was, he would be helpless to help Kenobi.

delicious anger that would provoke, the spite and rage…

Sidious could already taste it on the tip of his tongue, the rage,
the despair and the pain.

as he stared at the temple as dusk finally started to appear at the
edge of the horizon, Sidious licked his lips with hunger.

couldn’t wait until Kenobi was firmly caught in his web, helpless,
friendless and tortured, only tears and darkness for him to give
Sidious what he desired.

well as long as you can Kenobi, your safety will be spoiled before
you know it.’ He sneered silently.


eyes snapped open and Obi-Wan let out a slightly confused noise, half
sitting up on the couch to look around the quarters.

quick glance confirmed to him that both Ahsoka and Anakin were still
out, their boots not by the door mats just yet and Anakin’s
slippers were still by the door.

what had woken Obi-Wan?

his lips a bit, Obi-Wan glanced tiredly about the quarters and then
slowly laid back down, tugging the star pattered blanket around
himself again as he settled down to continue his nap as the healers
had recommended for him. And yet, even as proper darkness fell and
Obi-Wan should have an even easier time taking his nap, especially
with the sleeping aids the healers had given him, Obi-Wan found
himself unable.

eyelids were heavy and yet his mind seemed to scream at him that
something was wrong.

dangerous was afoot.


Obi-Wan shivered and tucked his hand around the little
bag tied to his belt where the
two pink kyber crystals he had cried during the council meeting were
seeking warmth and comfort they
emitted to those in contact or using them.

yet he still could not find the rest or the comfort from before,
something cold settling in his bones.

the end, it was the drugs the healers had given him only hours
before, that finally dragged him back into an uneasy sleep as he
shifted fitfully around, the flashes of yellow eyes and lightning
appearing in his dreams that he wouldn’t remember when he woke up
to Anakin entering the quarters hours later, a tired and haggered
look on the blonds face that rapidly made Obi-Wan forget about his
own unease.

the end, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s number one priority would always be
Anakin Skywalker.

so the uneasy sleep was forgotten in favor of comforting a friend.

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