So in Shut Me Down, does Palpatine try to use Ani to get at Obi or has Plo blocked that route?

his head, his hand on his padawan’s shoulder, Plo muttered quietly
in low tone to his padawan as
they made their way through the Rotunda hall.
“It makes me uneasy how fascinated and interested he seems to be
with you Anakin, be wary about him hmm?” The kel dor squeezed the
human’s shoulder fondly.

faintly, Anakin nodded. “Yeah, you know I wouldn’t have thought
about it if you hadn’t said it but I guess it’s kinda weird how
he keeps wanting to speak with me.” Anakin tucked his thumbs into
his belt, glancing up at his master.

this is why I did not allow unsupervised visits or meetings,” Plo
chuckled quietly. “You are my padawan and under my guardianship,
allowing you to meet alone with a stranger in their office would be a
fallacy in my care of you when I am not comfortable with the idea.”
The man said quietly, passing by a few senators.

the Chancellor had requested a young, very young Anakin Skywalker,
Plo had been beyond alarmed as Mace presented the Chancellor’s
request with the deepest of reluctance on his face. And as servants
of the Republic, they had to bow for the request from the highest
power of the Republic.

that didn’t mean Plo had to let them meet alone, Plo had the time
and the authority to clear his schedule ahead of time to insure that
he would be able to go with Anakin every time and he shuddered to
think what a mission active Jedi would have been able to do in such a

Plo did not like to think about how a mission active knight would
have fared with a young padawan who was under request from the

ignored the fact that people were listening to their conversation as
the two Jedi made their way to the exit,
having more people aware of it was only a benefit considering what
Palpatine was up to and now more than ever he was sure that the man
was crooked since
Count Dooku had arrived with the grainy recording of the Chancellor.

was rather alarming to know that generally, most would have allowed
Anakin to meet with Palpatine unsupervised but Plo had always been…
protective of the young and it itched him the wrong way to allow a
powerful man to have a former slave freed in their office all alone.

didn’t want the man to fill Anakin’s head with the wrong kinds of
ideas or take advantage of him when he was a child and now…

Plo was rather certain he had taken the right choice.

knew the kind of gas lighting the man could have exposed Plo’s
padawan to without the kel dor there to counteract whatever influence
the man might have gained over Anakin.

that the Chancellor was Force sensitive and clearly also trained, so
he must feel how powerful Anakin was, even a young, untrained age.

the depressing thoughts from his head, Plo smiled at Anakin instead
as he sent the teen
pride and affection through their bond. “I
heard from Shaak that you were speaking with young Obi-Wan. Have you
been making a friend?” He questioned warmly.

faintly, Anakin smiled shyly and shrugged. “Well maybe? We’re
both none neuro typical, so we understand each other. Obi-Wan
displaces stuff all the time too just like I do.” He stated
cheerfully as they turned the corner and made their way out the doors
to find their skycar that they had parked earlier.

out an understanding rumble, Plo nodded. “I see young one, yes
finding common ground is important and you do need more friends
Anakin.” Plo chided gently in amusement.

Anakin tugged his master towards their skycar. “I can’t help it
that I’m always on the move!” He spluttered out, laughing as he
jumped into their car, dislodging Plo’s hand from his shoulder.

out a deep, rumbling laugh, the palates in his mouth shifting a bit,
Plo slid into the passenger side. “If I didn’t know how energy
you were, I’d try to put you in the meditation corner.” He teased
as he buckled in, letting Anakin drive.

you wouldn’t,” The padawan shot back with an answering laugh. “We both
know moving meditation works best for me.” Anakin responded
teasingly before starting up the skycar with a happy hum.

out, ruffling the short spikes, Plo relaxed into his seat as Anakin
took them out into the traffic. “Indeed young one, indeed. Let’s
get home now, maybe we can invite Count Dooku and young Obi-Wan for
dinner.” He hummed contemplatively while Anakin let out a happy
cheer under his breath.

and rather content to be going home, both were unaware of the
glowering presence watching them from the height of the Rotunda, the
darkness wondering how people kept interfering with his plans when he
was so close to succeeding
in the intermediate section of his plot.

close to initiating the next phase.

flickering between yellow and pale gray focused on the temple of the
Jedi and the targets living inside it, a sneer gracing the face of
the hidden Sith.


would still get what he wanted even if that damn alien was in the way
of him getting to the most powerful Force user yet to be born in the

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