#obiinpain- Obi struggles with his emotions.

for your thought?”

up from the water, Obi-Wan let out a soft noise as Bant settled down
beside him, the mon calamarian Jedi pulling off her boots and rolling
up her leggings to dip her legs into the water with him. “Just…
life I guess.” Obi-Wan offered quietly, resting his elbows on his

faintly, Bant swished her legs about while watching her old friend.
Then she focused out over the water, one of the many bodies of water
the Gardens had.

was after all a reason for it to be named Room of a thousand

know,” Bant started slowly, tapping her fingers on her knee. “When
something is bothering a person, it helps to speak with others,”
She glanced at him, her lips twisting unhappily when Obi-Wan looked
away. “You’re making people concerned Obi-Wan, everyone has taken
notice how you’re pulling into yourself. We’re worried.” Bant
said bluntly.

deeply, Obi-Wan ran his hand over his hair, biting at his lips.
“…Anakin is in love with me.” He finally said roughly, his
voice wretched.

eyes blinked at him, the fellow Jedi knight raising her brows before
snorting. “Well yes, everyone knows that. He’s not subtle.”
Bant murmured dryly, rolling her eyes when Obi-Wan gaped at her. “Oh
come on Obi-Wan, he goes searching for your favorite dessert in the
dining hall, he goes looking for gifts for you, he makes flower
crowns to place on your head.” She chided gently.

eyes wide, Obi-Wan wondered how long this had been going on before
shaking his head and huffing. “And I think I love him?” He
stuttered out.


sat there tensely,
the sound of of
bubbling and rushing water coupled with birds and other animal life
being the only noise filling them.

then Bant snorted loudly, giving a laugh. “So that’s
what’s this is about. You’re scared of how to approach him?”
She grinned at him.

No!” Obi-Wan jerked a bit back only to hiss and settle his hand on
his hip, Bant’s eyes turning apologetic. “Force Bant! I’m too
old for him and I’m karking broken. What does he want with someone
as infirm as me!” He huffed deeply, panting a bit as he tried to
ease the pain he had accidentally triggered.

cool, scaled hand settled over his, providing healing. “Obi-Wan,”
Bant murmured, prompting him to look up to meet her sympathetic
yellow eyes. “You are not infirm nor are you old. Is that really
how you think of yourself?” She whispered worriedly.

away, uncomfortable, Obi-Wan shrugged slightly, mute as he stared at
a little rodent that was eating an insect, one of the many animals of
the gardens in the temple.

you’re a wonderfully capable knight, a compassionate and kind man
and you’re smart,
even if you’re injured,” Bant raised her hand, cupping his chin
to turn it back so they could meet eyes again. “Obi-Wan, anyone
would be lucky to have you. And he loves you, knowing all that he
does about you. Denying it won’t help either of you and he’s been
ever so worried about you.” Bant pointed out carefully.

I am broken,’ Obi-Wan didn’t say that thought, only gave his
childhood friend a small smile before pulling her into a tight hug.
‘I’m broken. Ruined. I’m never going to become a master, I
can’t, not like this. I can’t go on long missions alone anymore.
I’m reliant on others. It’s puppy love, it can’t be… Anakin
will find something better easily.’

if knowing what he was thinking, Bant let out a mournful, soul
wrenching sound and held him against her, trying to offer up the
comfort she could while Obi-Wan mentally disparaged himself.

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