Hi Moddy, In Hoarder will we find out how Obi handles a blaster? … and that wasn’t meant to sound like it did, but if your mind is as dirty as mine seems to be … I’m sure Codu wouldn’t mind :D

slightly as he lowered his blaster, Obi-Wan smiled to himself before
laughing when he got stunned applause from the rest of the peanut
gallery. “Why thank you all.” He teased saucily as he turned a
bit, grinning at men.

General, I had no idea you could handle a blaster that well,” Boil
leaned on the table of the blaster lane. “When you came down to the
blaster range I was curious if you were just here to watch, but stang
General.” He grinned happily, rubbing at his own swollen stomach.

faintly, Obi-Wan put his blaster away in the inside tunic pocket he
had sewn specially for it in case someone took away his robe. “I
may find blasters uncivilized because it makes it too easy for people
to kill and threaten and hurt, but I do still know my way around them
for an emergency situation… and to be fair,” He gestured to his
swollen belly, which he grumpily noticed was bigger than Boil despite
the other being a month further along than him at six months. “I’m
not in a condition to wield a lightsaber properly at the moment and
duel.” Obi-Wan said wryly.

I would prefer it if you didn’t cyare.” Cody said as he entered
with Qui-Gon following on his heel, the old Jedi’s eyes sparkling
with worry before relaxing when he noted that Obi-Wan was fine.

would have to thank Helix honestly, the medic had taken both Qui-Gon
and Anakin aside and explained to them that their overly fussy ways
of protecting the pregnant Jedi was causing more stress than lowering

that was the last thing either he or Boil needed, though the troopers
were doing better in regards to that.

a bit, Obi-Wan waddled over to Cody. “Oh come on, you know that I
wouldn’t. The healers have already warned me how much stress that
would put on my body. Only slow shii-cho katas for me.” He wrapped
his arms around the others neck, leaning into Cody’s armored body.

returned the affection, stroking Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face
before rubbing their noses together with a small smile. “And thank
little gods blood for that, because you cause me stress enough as
is.” He murmured quietly and then stole a chaste kiss.

softly, Obi-Wan looked to Qui-Gon, raising his brow at the man’s
amused and pleased look.

faintly, Qui-Gon settled his thumbs into his belt. “Just pleased to
see you so happy, it’s been a long time and you’ve always been so
serious my padawan.” He rumbled out, chuckling when Obi-Wan flushed
and hid in Cody’s neck despite his stomach getting in the way of
getting as close as he wanted to the man. “Aaaanyhow,” He decided
not to tease and changed the subject instead. “We’ll be reaching
Alderaan in about six or seven hours, Queen Breha has been in contact
already and she is is looking forward to our arrival and has lodgings
already prepared for us all.” Qui-Gon informed Obi-Wan.

was something they had all come to know was very important with
Obi-Wan, to make him not feel left out of the war effort and as a
burden, Obi-Wan was kept informed of everything going on to help
prepare battle plans if possible.

just to keep him informed honestly.

made him relax and that was something both healers and medics agreed
was very

six hours…” Obi-Wan lifted his face from Cody’s neck to rub his
chin. “Maybe I can go take a nap then before we reach our
destination…” He mused quietly to himself, ignoring how Cody and
Qui-Gon exchanged thrilled looks.

was very aware he didn’t nap a lot or rest quite enough for his
body, but he just wasn’t capable of resting like everyone else.
Napping just because was a terribly hard thing for him to manage and
that was frankly why he meditated as much as he did because that
he could do.


with his pregnancy and hormone riddled body there was a chance he
could. “If you’ll come with me that is Cody.” Obi-Wan slid his
hand into the commander’s with a soft smile, leaning into his
lover’s body.

soft smile was reflected back to him, Cody nodding. “Of course
sweetheart, we
got a good few hours left and General Jinn is more than enough to
keep order.” He chuckled softly, sliding his arm around Obi-Wan’s
now rather broad waist.

more amused now, Qui-Gon gave a little finger salute. “Sure kiddos,
you two enjoy your nap.” Qui-Gon hummed in clear amusement, making
his way over to Boil to inquire about his state as Obi-Wan waddled
alongside Cody’s side to
the elevator.

are going to sleep, right?” Cody murmured quietly, rubbing at
Obi-Wan’s hip with his thumb. “I mean you’re not going to just
lay there and grumble to yourself?” He frowned down at his Jedi.

it was a fair question, that was what Obi-Wan had done that. “I’m
going to try
at least, might help if you rub my back a bit or massage my scalp but
just having you there would be good honestly.” Obi-Wan confessed
with a small smile.

a kiss to the Jedi’s temple, Cody let out a soft hum. “Of course
my little baby hoarder.” He teased, chuckling quietly when Obi-Wan
flushed and leaned more into him.

travel had been wonderfully peaceful and nice, they could only hope
that Alderaan would be the same.

all, it was Alderaan!

could possibly happen there of all planets.

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