#cutefacade- Ani learns that he still has a lot to learn about saber fighting once he mock fights with Obi in his younger body

young Obi-Wan, is a dangerous Obi-Wan.

above the age of twenty five can tell you this as they have
personally sparred with his younger self when he was at his physical
peak and though he is no slacker in his older time he has slowed down
a bit with age and pain.

is no longer slowed down at all, he no longer has to spare thought,
energy or Force to those injuries and his mind is as sharp as his
older self still.

means he can move like his twenty year old self and plan like his
thirty year old self.

it’s a very dangerous pass time to taunt him about his limbs being
a bit gangly and his haircut being so shaggy as it grows out and how
he’s no longer as ‘sophisticated’ as he used to be.

yes it’s very dangerous as Anakin finds out when he takes his
teasing a bit to far by teasingly tugging at the hair under the ear
that used to be a braid.

it could also be the heat and humidity getting to Obi-Wan along with
his renewed hormones and the fact that he’s a tiny bit sexually
frustrated by the sight of all the troopers in their armor and it
brings back memories from when he was a teenager on Mandalore but
kark it, Anakin needs to respect some boundaries.

Anakin Skywalker knows what a good ass kicking looks like when he
gets it.

he has nothing to compare Obi-Wan to when he unleashes the full mixed
martial of both ataru and soresu that Obi-Wan has specialized himself
in even
if age and pain had made it hard for him to utilize ataru as he used
to when young.

oh, he is young and he can fly
on the Force wings and he moves like the silent death on those wings.

a good thing Obi-Wan does not wish for Anakin’s death, only a bit
of humiliation to teach the boy a lesson for being such a butthead to

explains why Obi-Wan is currently kicking his former padawan across
the camp, much to the troopers and Ahsoka’s great awe, bemusement,
concern and bewilderment. Especially when Obi-Wan pins his tall
padawan to the ground, both mech arm and flesh arm held behind his
back with one knee in the lower back as Obi-Wan snarls down at him
with gritted teeth. “Apologize!” He growled.

just whined and squirmed. “Obi-Wan!”

said Apologize Anakin Skywalker or so help me Force, I will leave
bruises on top of your bruises.” Obi-Wan swore down at the other,
digging his knee in a bit further while resting his other knee on the
mossy ground that made up most of the detritus around them, the
sun shining down through the overhang of trees and lending them humid
He also tugged firmly on the others flesh arm, pressing his thumb
down in a nerve numbing motion that Qui-Gon had once used on him as a
teaching lesson.

okay!” Anakin yelped loudly. “I’m sorry I said you wanted to
fuck Windu and Billaba and actually have the stamina for it now! It
was a joke! A crude joke!” He whined again. “Obi-Wan really, I am
sorry.” He stated a bit lower, sounding genuinely remorseful.

down at the other, Obi-Wan pursed his lips before finally huffing and
letting go, pulling back to sit back on his ass and glare at the
other. “Damn right you’re sorry. That was an utterly tasteless
joke Anakin.” He scolded lightly, brushing his hair out of his face
where it clings to thanks to the humidity and his own sweat.

as he sits up, rubbing at his flesh arm with his mech one, Anakin
turns around to sit on his ass too, nodding contritely. “Yeah, I
know. I think it’s all this humidity getting to me… and the
boredom, there’s literally
nothing happening here, no Seppies at all.” He sighed before
wincing again and continuing to rub.

brows went high at that. “And so you figured you’d wind me up?
Did it not occur to you that in my new body I would perhaps react
differently as you have all noted that my behavior has gone through
some minor changes?” Obi-Wan questioned dryly, crossing his arms
over his chest and showing off the sweat patches under his arms
thanks to the beige tunic.

a bit, Anakin smiled sheepishly. “Well sometimes I don’t think
things through, you’ve said that more than a few times Obi-Wan.”

his eyes, Obi-Wan sighed fondly before letting out a grateful noise
as Longshot slid up to him and handed him a canteen.

mouth was dry as a desert from that romp around and he was more than
happy to savor some nice refreshing water. “Well,” Obi-Wan noted,
glancing about the camp that was happily intact despite their
impromptu ‘spar’. “At least we provided some entertainment.”
He noted airily as the troopers exchanged mutters of interest and
Ahsoka bounced up to them to wheedle Obi-Wan into sparring with her
at some time.

got a giant grin from Anakin in response as he got his own water from
Echo, the blond’s flesh arm resting in his lap.

maybe he should apologize for that… later on… in maybe an hour
when he was sure Anakin had learned his lesson.

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