Reporttosenate! What’s Padme going to do woth a 501st worth of children? (How many even is that?)

cup clattering
on the floor while she
staring at her husband, Padme was gaping rather unattractively and
she heard Dorme snort very unladylike somewhere behind her but Padme
was very busy staring at her husband thank you very much as the holo
shape of Anakin shuffled awkwardly while clasping his hands in front
of himself, looking adorably flustered and also busted.

She choked out. “You adopted the entire
All of them?” The lady senator of Naboo got out.

meekly, Anakin smiled sheepishly. “That makes them members of the
Republic since I’m one.” He shrugged.

was not fair how handsome Anakin was in that moment because Padme
really had no idea how to respond as she continued staring at her
husband and he squirmed in place, sporting what she knew was sleep
wear in black and looking cutely disheveled with his curls a mess around his
head. “…Just how many are they?” She questioned with

mean what else were you suppose to do?

should have guessed Anakin would do it too when she heard how the
rest of the Jedi had.

wanted a huge family if he could get it.

hundred and twenty three?” Anakin admitted in a small voice,
shuffling in place.

could hear a pin drop in Padme’s apartment and she frankly wondered
if she had heard wrong as Dorme finally lost it and started giggling
at her lady.

down at her surprisingly still whole cup as it laid on the floor,
Padme blinked as the tea soaked into the carpet. “…I need
something a lot stronger than tea for this conversation…” She
mumbled out.

his throat, Anakin shrugged weakly. “I-I mean, a normal battalion
is on about
to five hundred
love, that’s all, I haven’t had time to fill up from Kamino and…
um…shutting up now.” He squeaked when Padme shot him a glare.

her face while peeking through her fingers at him, Padme wondered if
she should be grateful he didn’t just marry the whole lot. She knew
that in Tatooine culture it was normal to have more than one partner to
pool together your resources though Anakin was strongly monogamous.

was a long silence, the sounds of Coruscant traffic, Dorme’s
giggling and the shuffling on Anakin’s side the only sound filling
the space as the two stared at each other.

well, Padme stared down Anakin that was.

Anakin looked around for a distraction before suddenly lashing out
and dragging Obi-Wan into the image, the Jedi master looking adorably
flustered with
a toothbrush in his mouth and items in his hands and
was that bantha slippers with tooka sleeping pants the man was

is marrying his commander!” Anakin announced brightly, clearly
hopeful that the obvious diversion would work.

just blinked, the
toothbrush stuck in his mouth as he owlishly stared
at what Padme assumed to be her holo and then looked at Anakin, not
removing the toothbrush from his mouth since he was holding a glass
of what she hoped was water to rinse and a toiletries bag in the
other hand.

Master Kenobi, I’m sure Commander Cody is thrilled.” She stated
diplomatically as she fought not to giggle inappropriately.

it wasn’t often you saw the Negotiator himself look so unrefined
and soft.

just blinked again then bowed gracefully to convey his thanks and
well, now Padme was just jealous because how was he pulling off
looking graceful with a toothbrush in his mouth and in his sleepwear!

hair was even tussled around and he still managed to just look
swooshy and dignified… in tooka pants!

also adopting his own battalion?” Anakin tacked on unhelpfully,
squeaking when Padme leveled him a look.

bemused look crossed Obi-Wan’s face before the man shrugged and
wandered out of the image, humming a little tune around the
toothbrush that the recorder faintly picked up on.

Ani, what am I going to do with you.” Sighing deeply, Padme dropped her face in her hands, unable
not to snort and quietly laugh, seeing his sheepishly smiling face
through er fingers as she did.

I did want a big family… seems I got a whole bunch of adoptive sons
now.’ She mused in resigned amusement.

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