#snowwhitepurity- Does Palpatine try to use Ani’s kink against him?

my boy! Please, do come in, come in.” The man greeted jovially, the
dark red and gray office sporting the aroma of something spicy or so
Anakin would term it at least as he made his way to the Chancellor’s

took a seat when the man eagerly gestured for him to do so, smiling at
his old friend and confidant. “It’s good to see you again
Chancellor though I was wondering if you weren’t going to be a bit
busy for me right now, it’s re-election soon after all.” He
stated in a cheerful tone.

Anakin didn’t have a head for politics and generally left that to
his lovely master, he did keep an eye on the Chancellor election,
simply because Palpatine was his friend but also because if a new
chancellor was elected, having one that was friendly to the Jedi was…
well important.

had made him aware of that, awkwardly explaining some of the policies
that Valeroum had removed that were… well very limiting on the

after everything Anakin had learned, he had wondered how a few of
them were even legal, like established owners being able to ban Jedi
from entering their shops or businesses.

had just grimaced and then rubbed an old scar on his upper shoulder
Anakin had seen often enough to know the shape of,
pale white slash
but awfully bunched up which implied a rather large wound that needed
sewing Anakin knew, before he had shaken his head and smiled at him,
telling him that it was in the past.

yes, very important to keep an eye on the person holding this
particular office because Anakin could guess how padawan Obi-Wan got
his scar with those telltale reactions.

I always make time for my friends my young friend, how goes life with
that master of yours?” Palpatine smiled at him, an abandoned cup of
something beside him.

into a retelling of their last mission, Anakin failed to see the
knowing spark lighting up in pale eyes before the jovial and almost
grandfatherly man was back, nodding in understanding and making
noises now and then.

me my boy,” He finally stated when Anakin paused. “But if you’ll
permit an old man… it almost sounds as if you’re quite… fond of
your master Obi-Wan.” Palpatine drawled before smiling kindly when
Anakin flushed.

at his neck awkwardly while avoiding the man’s gaze, Anakin
shrugged. “I mean, I guess. He’s my master after all, he’s
always there looking out for me and he’s taught me so much…” He
trailed off, coloring even more sharply as he realized he was

softly, Palpatine held up his hands. “Peace my friend, I meant
nothing by it. I
was just under the assumption that Jedi are not to… engage in such
relationships?” He raised his brows.

a bit, Anakin bit his lower lip, uncertain what to say.

is a shame I’d have to say,” Palpatine leaned back in his chair.
“Love shared between two can be a wonderful thing, to belong to one
another in a wholly beautiful manner, depend on one another…”

Anakin had been more experienced or older he may had recognized the
faint undercurrent of distaste and disgust in the man but as it was
he only excitedly sat up and nodded eagerly. “Yes! Yes that’s
what I want, what I just… I mean…” He swallowed.

Palpatine stapled his fingers together, resting his elbows on the
desk. “I’d say it would be a damn shame to lose such an
opportunity… and well, if Kenobi failed the test, maybe he just
doesn’t know what he’s missing out on, having never experienced a
proper relationship before…” He hummed a bit.

slightly, eyes dropping to his knees.

Obi-Wan has no idea what he’s missing out on, maybe… once I’m a
knight…’ He bit his lower lip, trying to contain both imagination
and hope even as Palpatine’s eyes flashed triumphantly.

knew he would have to wait, Obi-Wan would never date him right now,
he’d consider it a breech of decency, that he was taking advantage
of Anakin in some absurd manner when the blond wanted him.

yes, he would have to wait, he could wait on this and be patient…
wait to have Obi-Wan for himself.

at his own knees, Anakin decided it was time to make some plans for
the future and start right now operation ‘woo Obi-Wan.’

deserved to be courted and Anakin would be the one to do it.

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