
Instead of Anakin going dark and
killing all the Jedi he just goes and starts his OWN sith temple and
drags Obiwan along. (I can’t remember if you did this or not but I
love the idea

WHAT IF A artifact flipped
people’s ages so like Anakin, Obiwan and Ahsoka we’re
investigating and they triggered this. So Anakin became Obiwan’s
age, Obiwan becomes Ahsoka’s age and Ahsoka becomes Anakin’s age!

What if when Obi was abandoned by
Qui-Gon after he refused to leave on some mission. he stole a little
ship and managed to crash it on tattooine. You can choose wether he
gets enslaved and stays with Shmi an Ani or if he decides to free all
slaves cause the Jedi can’t tell him he can’t now.

(Part 1 of 2) Odd request based
on some maths I did. At 36-ish, Obi-Wan is the youngest council
member ever. Depa Bilaba is a council member in TPM. Say she’s 40.
Obi-Wan was knighted at the age of 25, which is indicated as being
normal. It’s implied it’s normal to have several years as a solo
knight before taking on a padawan. So, most knight would be in their
late 20s, taking on a padawan in their early teens. Say 15 years in
age between master and first padawan. So Mace is at least 65 in TPM.

(Part 2 of 2) So Mace is probably
an agemate of Qui-Gon, and Depa of Xanatos. Depa almost certainly had
a Padawan before Caleb, who was knighted before TPM, and might have
had another one before CW. Mace could have had a total of four
Padawans. Could you do something about this lineage having more than
just the three we see on screen? Even if it’s just Depa telling Caleb
about her first Padawan and linege-brothers who died on Geonosis or

(Part 3 of 2) Just realised I got
my maths wrong. Mace was at least 65 in AotC, at least 55 in TPM.
Probably a bit more. Therefore, approaching if not above 70 when he

Ohh I just saw this really cool
pic of dark teenage Ani and Qui as his master! Would you mind writing
Qui and Ani turning dark after Obi dies fighting Maul and they use a
sith ritual to bring Obi back to life?

Obi-Wan/ happy au or time travel? An adult Obi-Wan fidgets by
swirling handfuls of individual sand grains like he learned to do on
Tatooine. Eventually through *Force handwave* he figures out how to
make sand into glass and glass back into sand, and he carries around
a bunch of glass charms on a bracelet or inset into a bracer. He can
break them down into sand to fidget with and then put them back
together. There are grooves scoured into his bracer from the sand
swirling above it. Happy AU?

dies before he reaches Bandomeer. In comes Anakin and he can see
Obi’s ghost who helps him settle into the Temple and watches his

people, these prompts are up for grabs!

Remember I can’t possibly take on all and prompts for series that
are not taken do not show up on the prompt run as this is for new
ideas I do not write. Unused prompts for series either gets written
into the prompt updated, stored or deleted if they do not fit.

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