So, how about an epilogue shot from Undead walking?

are reporting from a historical first, directly from the Rotunda, as
after a vote of no confidence, former Chancellor Palpatine is
refusing to leave his position, citing war effort that would take too
long for a new representative to take over a-” Obi-Wan turned the
tv off, grunting slightly as he sat back against his pillows.

there’s that happening apparently, looking forward to that when we
get home.” He stated dryly before sighing deeply and tiredly.

and Anakin sent him a worried glance from their own beds, the three
one of the ten still put on bed rest.

a bit, Ahsoka smiled meekly. “I guess we’ll handle it when we get
home, right now we still have a full week in transit.” She pointed
out before snuggling down into bed.

adult Jedi could feel her fall asleep rather soon after and traded
fond looks.

both half suspected that Kix and Bandaid
were low key sedating all his long term patient but none of them
could prove it and therefore didn’t bother to do anything about it
to prove it either as they didn’t really want to get out of bed.

more exhausted than she would admit I think.” Anakin sighed fondly,
propping his chin on his hand while resting his elbow on his thigh.

faintly, picking up the pad with his novel that Helix had reluctantly
allowed since it wasn’t work, Obi-Wan nodded. “Wouldn’t shock
me, we were all in quite a state and the wrongness of the Force must
have gone in on her… I’m honestly shocked you’re thriving as
well as you are, considering you being a child of the Force.” He
gave his old padawan a puzzled look.

his nose, Anakin sighed then shrugged. “I should feel worse, but
honestly, the moment we were away from the planet? My entire being
felt so much better,” Anakin smiled weakly. “I was just sore and
tired but Force sense I was fine.”

a bit, Obi-Wan stroked his chin slowly before chuckling. “I think I
see, the Force purged the corrupted Force from you the moment you
were gone from the source, that is amazing.” He marveled, smiling
indulgently when Anakin flushed and reached for his own pad to watch
some of his shows.

would have asked him some more questions if Commander
Cody hadn’t taken that
moment to walk in with Captain Rex, the two looking rather relaxed,
though Cody relaxed even more when he saw his General actually

to the two awake Jedi, the two wandered over to their respective
ones. “Came over with a shuttle,” Cody said quietly at the
curious look on Obi-Wan’s face. “Wanted to have a visual update
on you while updating you to the situation onboard. Helix has
everyone well medicated and relaxed while the rest are doing their
duty. No one is too seriously injured.” He stated.

was giving the same update to Anakin in a round about way, giving him
the star destroyer’s readouts too as the man understood them and
Anakin was nodding in satisfaction to hear it.

a rather large part of himself relax as he smiled up at Cody, Obi-Wan
nodded too. “I’m glad to hear that. I was worried about… well
anyhow, Helix isn’t too stressed is he? Knuckleduster is helping
him right?” He questioned.

over a chair, Cody sat down. “Indeed, they’ve gone on shift.
Helix has main responsibility as always but Helix gives over the
tasks when it’s time for rest and everyone is being kept under
observation just in case.” He stated quietly.

a bit before breathing out, Obi-Wan nodded, understanding the

had been in contact with a dangerous pathogen that could desolate
entire planets and populations, to err on the side of caution was the
best case and now Kix and Bandaid’s behavior made sense too in the
last few days.

the empty beds between every the Jedi and the troopers that had
confused Obi-Wan so much. To if someone turned to give the ones
closest a chance to escape from them.

run, flee or get a weapon of some kind to use against their vode or
the Jedi.

that was honestly horrifying to consider and he was forcing himself
to relax because if someone was infected, they would be having a
fever right now just as Obi-Wan had though Kix had proven that his
was only due to the injuries he had.

it was the infection, my brain would have boiled already.’ He
thought dryly to himself before letting out a soft noise when Cody’s
fingertips brushed his wrist, blinking at the Commander.

alright General, we’re all going to be alright.” The man
promised, smiling slightly at Obi-Wan.

softly as he relaxed into the pillow, Obi-Wan nodded. “You know
what Cody, I do believe you’re right.” He murmured as the Force
felt lighter somehow than in years.

that was because of them coming away from the corrupted Force or
something else, he was uncertain.

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