Hi Moddy, could you continue The Risk? Anakin maybe mentions his theory about the father and someone, maybe Ahsoka, points out that Waxer and Boil are dating and maybe so are some of the others. As well as, that it is completely plausible that none of them are the father and they just went so that they could help Obi-Wan later on. Also that there is no proof the father is a clone and for all Anakin knows the father is another Jedi or a civilian.

spoon slowly being lowered back into her stew, Ahsoka stared at her
master before giggling faintly and shaking her head, lekku’s
curling in response to her amusement.

at his padawan, Anakin pointed his own spoon at her. “Hey, they
could be, you know Obi-Wan likes the troopers.” He tried to defend
his point of view.

her spoon on the bowl, Anakin gave him a full toothed grin. “Well
yeah but you know that Boil and Waxer are dating right?” She said
teasingly. “And even if one of those haven’t knocked each other
up accidentally, the 212th
are as protective of Obi-Wan as the 501st
are over us!” She chirped happily, suddenly
understanding why Anakin had looked relieved that Obi-Wan wasn’t
joining them for dinner.

man had wanted to air his theories to her!

stirring his stew slowly, Anakin reluctantly nodded. “So you think
they’re just there to help then?
I mean it’s not unbelievable and I know Waxer and Helix at least
really likes kids.” Anakin frowned a bit before shrugging.

he was wrong and one of the troopers weren’t the father.

that left him back on square one since Obi-Wan wasn’t answering
questions on who the father was.

not ashamed of the father or the baby, if he was, that would be
obvious.’ Anakin mused to himself before sighing internally and
rubbing his face with his mech hand. Honestly he had kind of been
hoping it was one of the troopers because they were some of the best
people Anakin had ever had the pleasure of being around and talking

it was one of the troopers though,” Ahsoka suddenly said, sounding
thoughtful while sitting back in the chair. “I would take a guess
at it being Commander Cody actually, Master Obi-Wan has always been
fond of him and sometimes he comes out of Master Obi-Wan’s tent
rather late at night.” She stuffed a spoonful of stew into his

Anakin swirled his spoon in the air. “They’re going over
requisitions and battle line up Snips, believe me, their
conversations are boring and I know, I tried to eavesdrop on them a
few times.” He stated dryly which had Ahsoka crack up again.

a wee spy Skyguy.” The togruta cackled at the human who just
ignored her and continued eating, still pondering who the hell was
the dad.


out a soft noise as he tucked his face into Cody’s neck, Obi-Wan
smiled drowsily. “This is nice.” He mumbled.

a bit as he continued steadily rubbing his Jedi’s back, Cody
couldn’t help but glance about the crowded barracks room. “Yeah,
stuffing ourselves onto a narrow bunk with most of my commander vode
around and no privacy, very romantic.” He stated dryly and ignored
Fox stifling his evil cackling.

chuckled faintly in reply. “Well, I would have enjoyed some more
privacy but your vode wouldn’t go around spreading rumors anyhow
and any time I get to spend with you is good time to me.” The Jedi
nuzzled into the joint of Cody’s neck.

slowly, Cody ran his hand over Obi-Wan’s light stomach swell.
there is that.” He agreed quietly, ignoring Rex making kissy faces
with Wolffe. Screw them, he had Obi-Wan tucked into his arms on the
narrow bunk and why shouldn’t he just enjoy that as he felt Obi-Wan
lightly mouth at his neck.

know you’re gonna have to tell them eventually who the dad really
is right?” He pointed out after a moment.

let Anakin guess for a bit longer, he looks like a frustrated dog.”
Obi-Wan sniggered happily and then yawned deeply, somehow managing to
snuggle in even more tightly to Cody’s side much to his enjoyment
as he gave his vode the middle finger  behind Obi-Wan’s back with a
pleased smirk as they mock gasp and ‘fainted’.

was good to be loved.

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