#wolfRubs- Ani and The Troops reaffirm Obi’s humanity.

beside his General, Cody let out a deep breath as they continued
watching the rising sun. “…You know, we aren’t strangers to the
dark anymore than the Jedi are right?” He started slowly, pressing
their shoulders together.

let out a small hum, pressing back into Cody’s shoulder before
settling more evenly as Rex sat down on the vampire’s other side,
the captain and commander bracketing him with their steadying

family, aliit for as long as they saw the rising sun.

comfort in that, Cody gently tugged the other to settle his head on
the trooper’s shoulder. “That means we hear what people call us,
flesh droids, killing machine, just
clones, and no, let me finish speaking General,” Cody stated
sternly when Obi-Wan let out a protesting noise. “We know
we’re not that, we bleed, we laugh, we fight and we die. We’re
humans, we are sentient who exist in this galaxy and should have just
as much right as anyone else. We aren’t all the same… and you’re
no monster.” He stated with conviction.

slid his arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulder, nuzzling comfortingly at
the others hair. “You wouldn’t blame us for defending our lives,
you defended yourself because there are people here who love you with
all their hearts, be it as their mate or platonic, because you’re
part of our pack Obi-Wan.” He stated quietly.

could hear Obi-Wan swallow heavily, see his throat bob. “I drank
from her as she tried to fight me of… I didn’t let go until she

she’s still alive,” Cody cut in, not letting Obi-Wan finish his
self deprecating sentence. “She still lives despite dropping bombs
on our pack, despite trying to kill you she’s recovering under Kix
and Helix watching eyes. How many people has she killed, how many
vode has she taken from us? How many pack members have suffered
because of her with her taking delight in their pain?” Cody
questioned strongly.

was a shift, Anakin joining them as he wrapped his arms around his
mate’s waist and hooked his chin on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “…You
don’t take pleasure in what you do Obi-Wan, in the pain and the
loss, you are no monster, you mourn
and you guilt yourself,” The blond whispered into his beige
shoulder. “As certain as the sun rises Obi-Wan, you are no monster
and you are loved by all of us. And if she had succeeded her actions
last night then we would have mourned you. And I would have fallen
apart without my mate.” Anakin confessed quietly.

breath hitched, his body tensed between the three before he let out a
hitching sob and turned, curling into Anakin’s shoulder while
dragging both troopers closer to him, promptly causing them all to
wrap their arms around him.

out a soft whine, Cody nuzzled at the others hair as Anakin
tightened his arms around his mate and started to croon quietly in
comfort, whispering quiet endearment into their vampire’s ear.


a bit foolish and a bit ashamed, Obi-Wan scrubbed at his face as he
swallowed thickly, following Anakin as his mate held onto his free
hand, guiding him towards the shuttle that would take them up to the
Resolute as Cody would be in charge of the Negotiator.

something to note down, a crying fit feels just the same as before.’
Obi-Wan thought grumpily to himself before shifting forward to place
his head on Anakin’s shoulder, not looking to where a gagged and
tied Ventress was glaring at him.

her over to the council and we’ll see if they can’t get some
answers out of her,” Anakin
gave her a contemptuous look in return which got a snarl out of
Ventress. To her surprise, Anakin snarled back, his face twisting
ever so slightly in response to the wolf inside of him sensing

on Anakin’s arm, Obi-Wan let out a soft noise that had the blond
calm down and instead just grab onto the shuttle strap, pulling his
mate into his body. “We shall hope, I’ll have to inform them
about what I did of course.” Obi-Wan sighed tiredly.

was a pause, troopers filling up the shuttle before there was a deep
sigh. “They may already be aware,” Anakin said hesitantly,
glancing down at Obi-Wan when the vampire shifted. “The healers
kind of suspected if you were pushed into a corner that it may
happen. Survival is very strong in all living beings.” The werewolf

Obi-Wan stared at him before nodding slowly as he let out a deep
breath. “I see…” He settled his head back on Anakin’s
shoulder as he mulled over that information.

healers and by extension the council must be aware, but they still
shipped him out.

trusted him.

I should… listen to Anakin and the troopers.’ He thought it over
with a small frown.

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